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Remember when......

I remember my Mam sending me to the shops with a ten bob note.
I'd have to go to the Newsagent's to pay for the papers, then on to the bakery to get an uncut loaf of freshly baked bread, next stop was the chippy for a bag of chips with scraps, final stop was the local Woolworths to get some sweets and a bar of Cadbury's choccy for my Mam.
You can't do this now - ruddy security cameras.
Rumbelows... got my first telly on HP when 18. Bright Yellow Sharp 14" "portable"
Mum sending me to the Coop with a note and a purse and memorising the Coop number. Then sending me to the chemist for a packet of Dr White's WTF are they!!
Mum sending me to the Coop with a note and a purse and memorising the Coop number. Then sending me to the chemist for a packet of Dr White's WTF are they!!
I remember when they were called "jam rags" 😮
Butchers had dead animals hanging outside and inside.
The butcher would have saw dust all over the floor and when the meat wagon delivered the half Pigs and half cows he would throw them over his shoulder wearing a White bloodstained Forman’s overcoat.
To entice you to buy he would have a Pigs head at either end of the countertop.
When my mum was buying meat he would give me a chickens foot with its tendons hanging out the top, when you pulled them the foot would make a claw, I would play with it until it started to stink, not really right for a 5 year old.
The butcher would have saw dust all over the floor and when the meat wagon delivered the half Pigs and half cows he would throw them over his shoulder wearing a White bloodstained Forman’s overcoat.
To entice you to buy he would have a Pigs head at either end of the countertop.
When my mum was buying meat he would give me a chickens foot with its tendons hanging out the top, when you pulled them the foot would make a claw, I would play with it until it started to stink, not really right for a 5 year old.

The good old days! lol
OK, I'll throw in some more - Supercar (Gerry Anderson before Thunderbirds, Fireball XL5 and Stingray - but I'm not old enough to remember Four Feather Falls or Torchy the Battery Boy)
Tales Of The Riverbank with Hammy hamster, etc.
Christopher Trace on Blue Peter (and I seem to think it had a theme tune called "Wheels" prior to the more famous signature tune?)
Whirlybirds - we didn't have a telly then so I had to go next door to watch it

Blue Stratos has been mentioned elsewhere - it's actually available again. I've still got half a bottle of Faberge West. If you find any Hai Karate, etc, in charity shops in unopened original packaging it sells very well on ebay...