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Remember when......

When I was a lad....
Late 1940's - early 50's
There was only one TV in our small community of about four streets - very small - black and white.
All the little kids (me included) used to pay a penny (1d old money) to sit on the floor in front of the TV to watch children's programmes such as Muffin The Mule. The pennies were added to the money that our parents contributed by having whist drives at people's houses and this helped to pay for an annual day out at the seaside for all the kids.
I sometimes look back to those days and wonder how the world got to where we are now in just a generation.
Was the old guy in Airwolf also "The Master" (cheesy martial arts series) and the same bloke who looked after Mr & Mrs Heart the self made millionaires?
We could generally find boy’s interest material in lay-bys or field entrances.
Bit embarrassing when your mum found your stash though. So much worse than internet browser history. Err not necessarily speaking from personal experience :laughing:
In the late 1960s family doctor prescribed DDT powder for dusting in my underwear.
Me and my mates used to play a lot on some old scrubland that must have been part of a farm before our estate was built. There were apple trees, crab apple trees, a plum tree, elderberry bushes, old sheds and those corrugated steel shelters for pigs. I used to come home covered in mossie bites.

Just checked on Google Earth and that land still hasn't been built on!
When the older generations told time like "It's five and twenty to eight" instead of saying "It's twenty five to eight".

When clocks were slow or fast but seldom spot on.

"Oooh in this day and age".

When WW2 veterans were still relatively young and fit, and there were plenty old WW1 veterans still around.
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