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Remember when......

Remember when... we were probably the last of the true "petrol-heads". I'm sixty next year and probably won't live to see the total eradication of vehicles powered by liquified fossils. Hallelujah.

Net Zero is a con. Scrappage grants are a con. By driving a small number of low MPG "pleasure domes" we are actually contributing to the green agenda by NOT driving round in costly to build new BEV cars.
Moving the pollution generated by ICE to the electricity producers is a con. Moves the pollution out of dense urban conurbations to somewhere else in the country.
Remember when..............
All the while there is poverty in the world any attempts by the wealthy to reduce carbon emissions is fruitless. Countries such as China, India and those in South America will continue to use fossil fuels to claw their way up to a better life.

We rely on oil to manufacture just about everything we consume, there is no viable alternative to fossil fuels. Renewable energies can produce power but not goods.
Ah, that's because of climate change :rolleyes:
I've noticed this year we've gone from climate change, to climate crisis and now we're at climate emergency 😬

I can't for the life of me think why the rhetoric is ramping up like this...
Every one of those kids looks terrified, except for the one in the most dangerous position, he actually looks asleep.

…..and I’m not sure he is sipping on a beer.
Used to do this all the time in the early 80s with our BMXs. Antony Ashton (the local idiot who would do anything you told him) jumped his Raleigh burner over a 6ft wall we made a ramp up to.
Nothing on the other side than tarmac. He snapped his handlebars and destroyed his bike. I remember the blood and how everyone legged it, leaving him there!
I've noticed this year we've gone from climate change, to climate crisis and now we're at climate emergency 😬

I can't for the life of me think why the rhetoric is ramping up like this...
In a few months once they have ramped it up to climate apocalypse, they will have to invent a new word as I don’t know what could be worse than that.
I've noticed this year we've gone from climate change, to climate crisis and now we're at climate emergency 😬

I can't for the life of me think why the rhetoric is ramping up like this...
And they've been all in on the action abroad, given our own summer as been 'normal', as in pretty average/rubbish.
That's climate change too though :)