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Remember when......

Not forgetting starting handles...

You had to have the knack to catch the motor on firing stroke...
You would soon find out it you got it wrong!!!...😁
Showing your age now @Rayc we were all talking about the 1970's not the 1870's 🤣
"When hands that do dishes can be soft as your face, that's mild, green Fairy Liquid"

And you could build a realistic space rocket with the bottle 👍
Blackpool was your main holiday and if you were lucky you went back to see the lights
Because of Covid
Because of Brexit
Because of Russia

weren't used as an excuse from why it rains, to why the sun shines.
Brutal self quoting, but earlier on the news 'yet another' economic forecast gave a grim UK picture.
You guessed, it, it's apparently
Because of Covid
Because of Brexit
Because of Russia

How did the world manage to survive without those trusty gems to fall back on :)
In France it's

Because of Macron
Because of Macron
Because of Macron

But saying that, he's better than the alternative.
In France it's

Because of Macron
Because of Macron
Because of Macron

But saying that, he's better than the alternative.
I always wondered that, yet he landslides whenever there's an election. Thing is, I 'imagine' many in the big cities vote for him and of course, the big cities are heavily populated. Like a 'heat map' which shows how the US vote. It's typically red (Republican) all over the country, with blue (Dem) hot spots in the cities. But of course the cities got the most people.
I always wondered that, yet he landslides whenever there's an election. Thing is, I 'imagine' many in the big cities vote for him and of course, the big cities are heavily populated. Like a 'heat map' which shows how the US vote. It's typically red (Republican) all over the country, with blue (Dem) hot spots in the cities. But of course the cities got the most people.
Yes, the French 'rednecks' love Le Pen, but she's dangerous.
You need to be here during the hunting season to understand.
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