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Remember when......

our school milk came in 1/3 pint bottles and straws hadn't been invented
I'm surprised that nobody's mention black&white telly.
When person X made their own mistake, they didn't look for either a) who can they blame for their mistake, or b) what victim group can they belong to to deflect it.
Single glazing

Coal fires.. Getting the coal in after the delivery truck dumped a ton of it on the causeway outside your gate. Putting the fireguard around the fireplace and letting newspaper get sucked onto it to 'draw the fire'.

Kitchens with adjoining larders.. and there'd probably be a noisy fridge circa 1930 still running in there.

Some cars with carburettors proving difficult to start in cold weather and all the implications of that.. E.g. being asked to help various people get their car started in the works car park so they could drive home after work. Self developed Intricate starting procedures such as 'Pull the choke all the way, give it 2 pumps to the floor on the accelerator, keep accelerator pressed an inch while cranking, as soon as it fires push choke in to 3/4 on.... Oh no you've flooded it lol'.
Not forgetting starting handles...

You had to have the knack to catch the motor on firing stroke...
You would soon find out if you got it wrong!!!...😁
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Single glazing

Coal fires.. Getting the coal in after the delivery truck dumped a ton of it on the causeway outside your gate. Putting the fireguard around the fireplace and letting newspaper get sucked onto it to 'draw the fire'.

Kitchens with adjoining larders.. and there'd probably be a noisy fridge circa 1930 still running in there.

Some cars with carburettors proving difficult to start in cold weather and all the implications of that.. E.g. being asked to help various people get their car started in the works car park so they could drive home after work. Self developed Intricate starting procedures such as 'Pull the choke all the way, give it 2 pumps to the floor on the accelerator, keep accelerator pressed an inch while cranking, as soon as it fires push choke in to 3/4 on.... Oh no you've flooded it lol'.
Kitchens with adjoining larder...... my Gran's house that was, cold slab and kept dark.

Got a back-hander off dad for pulling the choke cable clear out of our Hillman Minx one day 🤣