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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

after looking at the picture it looks like it's swollen if it is I think you need new tyre If the cut hasn't gone through to the casting it should be okay
yes ot does look swolllen, and there also looks to be some cupping on the inner edge blocks
Took the rear wheel off to check my rear brakes and spotted this!! Bl**dy marvellous.... I am aware that there will be some wear on the inner edge due to the camber but this split Im a little concerned about and also some random marks on the tyre!
Any ideas from you guys if you think this is okay?
Im pretty sure this was probably done whilst in Spain driving through the mountains last year so Im hoping its only a small slit from a sharp stone but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
(Edit: just realised I didn't take the 19" rims to Spain)!

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If the damage is on the inside of each, it is probably down to camber, or the tyres have been rubbing. Check in the wheel arches to see if there are any tell tale marks. I agree if the cut is not deep, no need to worry about it.
Took the rear wheel off to check my rear brakes and spotted this!! Bl**dy marvellous.... I am aware that there will be some wear on the inner edge due to the camber but this split Im a little concerned about and also some random marks on the tyre!
Any ideas from you guys if you think this is okay?
Im pretty sure this was probably done whilst in Spain driving through the mountains last year so Im hoping its only a small slit from a sharp stone but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
(Edit: just realised I didn't take the 19" rims to Spain)!

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after looking at the picture it looks like it's swollen if it is I think you need new tyre If the cut hasn't gone through to the casting it should be okay

yes ot does look swolllen, and there also looks to be some cupping on the inner edge blocks

If the damage is on the inside of each, it is probably down to camber, or the tyres have been rubbing. Check in the wheel arches to see if there are any tell tale marks. I agree if the cut is not deep, no need to worry about it.

Just did a video to hopefully show the area better to you guys. The tyre does not look swollen to me maybe looks worse in the pictures.
I read if the cut is not below the tread depth it should be okay. 🤞 I'll keep an eye on it me!
Cupping could be due to my wheels being slightly buckled, I had them repaired a while ago but they have never been perfectly round! :weary_face:

Just did a video to hopefully show the area better to you guys. The tyre does not look swollen to me maybe looks worse in the pictures.
I read if the cut is not below the tread depth it should be okay. 🤞 I'll keep an eye on it me!

No tyre expert but I personally wouldn't trust it, sorry bud
Looks loads better buddy! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
Some Rider side skirts would look nice! :p

Just did a video to hopefully show the area better to you guys. The tyre does not look swollen to me maybe looks worse in the pictures.
I read if the cut is not below the tread depth it should be okay. 🤞 I'll keep an eye on it me!
Cupping could be due to my wheels being slightly buckled, I had them repaired a while ago but they have never been perfectly round! :weary_face:

I think it’s just the shiny wear marks that make it look swollen in the pictures
Apart from the wear and a couple of scuffs( you been booting it mate) looks ok
I think it’s just the shiny wear marks that make it look swollen in the pictures
Apart from the wear and a couple of scuffs( you been booting it mate) looks ok
you only got a handprint size of rubber between you and a bad experience if the wheels aint true thay need fixing or scrapping as out of ballence or out of round will put undue strain on other suspension bushes and even diff parts ....i would get camber correct and get replacement wheels. and tyres...may not look as nice but safetey is paramout in my view
Nothing wrong with @Richard Fox ’s wheels mate, he’s just questioning the small cut in the tyre
As for negative camber , it’s not actually as bad as you think, racing drivers , track day drivers etc actually crave it as it prolongs tyre life under those situations ( hard cornering with neutral camber can actually be dangerous)
Now I know we don’t drive under those conditions but it’s wrong to assume that negative camber is a danger , the inner wear on the tyre is usually as much down to toe adjustment as it is to camber ( this also gets knocked out when lowering) slightly more pressure in a tyre can help with this ( not too much of course)
you only got a handprint size of rubber between you and a bad experience if the wheels aint true thay need fixing or scrapping as out of ballence or out of round will put undue strain on other suspension bushes and even diff parts ....i would get camber correct and get replacement wheels. and tyres...may not look as nice but safetey is paramout in my view
Nothing wrong with @Richard Fox ’s wheels mate, he’s just questioning the small cut in the tyre
As for negative camber , it’s not actually as bad as you think, racing drivers , track day drivers etc actually crave it as it prolongs tyre life under those situations ( hard cornering with neutral camber can actually be dangerous)
Now I know we don’t drive under those conditions but it’s wrong to assume that negative camber is a danger , the inner wear on the tyre is usually as much down to toe adjustment as it is to camber ( this also gets knocked out when lowering) slightly more pressure in a tyre can help with this ( not too much of course)
so its fine to have buckled wheels ....and the future damage they may cause to other parts
the last post with video...quote cupping could be due to slightley buckled wheels ..not fully round
Ahh , now I’m with you and yes if wheels are buckled then they need to be repaired or scrapped I think the statement above is an assumption rather than fact but I now see what you mean
the last post with video...quote cupping could be due to slightley buckled wheels ..not fully round

Ahh , now I’m with you and yes if wheels are buckled then they need to be repaired or scrapped I think the statement above is an assumption rather than fact but I now see what you mean
Just re read Richard’s post especially this bit
Cupping could be due to my wheels being slightly buckled, I had them repaired a while ago but they have never been perfectly round! :weary_face:
I would assume they balanced ok if they were repaired which is acceptable
If out of true and won’t balance then that would be different
Just re read Richard’s post especially this bit
Cupping could be due to my wheels being slightly buckled, I had them repaired a while ago but they have never been perfectly round! :weary_face:
I would assume they balanced ok if they were repaired which is acceptable
If out of true and won’t balance then that would be different
i agree but even a slight buckle would transmit movement or pressure on bearings either wheel or half shaft and inner workings of diff or rack,,or just ruin oil seals etc,,,,it may not be felt due to the rubber bushes but will be there ...just an engineers point of view
i agree but even a slight buckle would transmit movement or pressure on bearings either wheel or half shaft and inner workings of diff or rack,,or just ruin oil seals etc,,,,it may not be felt due to the rubber bushes but will be there ...just an engineers point of view
i would take them back to repairer with instructions to make them fully round and running true
Just did a video to hopefully show the area better to you guys. The tyre does not look swollen to me maybe looks worse in the pictures.
I read if the cut is not below the tread depth it should be okay. 🤞 I'll keep an eye on it me!
Cupping could be due to my wheels being slightly buckled, I had them repaired a while ago but they have never been perfectly round! :weary_face:

Cupping can be seen clearly on the video, shiny high points, darker low points. Has this happened before the buckle?

Hope they can straighten it for you
Sorry guys for causing a whole debate... the wheels were repaired many years ago and when balanced I was told they were fine.
I have had no issue with bearings etc or bushes for a long time and when I say they are very slightly buckled Im talking a very minimal amount on the inside lips not literally buckled like an egg. I understand your concerns guys which I appreciate so I shall take the comments on board 👍