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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

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Mine are getting like this. Wondering if they split apart easy with some heat?
I don't know
I have wondered about taking them apart using a heat gun in a cardboard box, why do you think the inside could be sorted?
I thought the lamination inside was past it.

I did take some 3000gt Headlights apart a few years ago to do a restoration. I put them in the oven on a low heat and kept an eye on them, I was able to pry the two halves apart fairly easily once the sealant became soft.
When I split my headlights on my old accord I just used a heat gun and a couple of screwdrivers but I think the box idea/oven is probably easier. Luckily you can get just the front lens for them on aliexpress so just replaced with new lens.
Some say you can repair them to a degree. I must say, yours do look worse than mine. I reckon you could sand/polish out a certain amount of the crazing, internally.
I know from experience the inside of the lenses are very hard to rub down and polish ( don’t think you should actually touch them due to a coating)
If you have to , and I did, it will take ages and you have to be very careful not to go too rough
Mine weren’t crazed just dirty and damp ( green in places) but still had to polish for ever

They can be split with heat , after the screws are taken out but be careful not to go too hot, once the lense warps it won’t go back, also if you spend too long on the actual lense with heat it will discolour ( burn) so apply heat from the back not the front ( if using a heat gun)

They are not the hardest thing in the world to do but if it’s the first time you’ve done them , be careful ( plenty of YouTube vids on this out there)
Had my aircon regassed by KwikFit.

It was working fine until a couple of weeks ago, went for a drive to the coast, parked up and 2 big puddles appeared below the 2 evaporator drains. Worked most of the way home on the return trip but I thought the compressor sounded noisy and turned the AC off. Next time I tried the AC a couple of days later it didn't work, the clutch didn't engage and when I depressed the LP port schraeder valve there was only a bit of pressure in the system. I checked in the usual places for AC gas/lube leaks, didn't see any. So hoped it was just a case of needing a regas but still more than half expected to eventually find a leak.

Phoned KwikFit who told me "We wont do anything else with it if there's less than 1 bar pressure in the system when we put the machine on it". I told them "I think there is less than 1 bar pressure now but that might be due to me pressing the schraeder valve, I want a vacuum test running and if it passes I want it charging up". They agreed to that, so booked an appointment and went through. Passed the vacuum test. Started filling, the machine quickly put 540grams in but stuck at 540, it kept cycling between 'filling has slowed, building pressure so that filling can continue' and 'filling' but still didn't get passed 540grams. Then the machine told us to start the engine and turn AC on (which I expected) and it quickly finished filling up to 990grams. Aircon worked, the drive home was a lot cooler, when home I immediately got back underneath it checking for leaks but still didn't find any. This was yesterday and it's still working today so fingers crossed there won't be any quick leaks and the gas that was put in last time (around 5 years ago) has leaked out slowly over the 5 years.
Had my aircon regassed by KwikFit.

It was working fine until a couple of weeks ago, went for a drive to the coast, parked up and 2 big puddles appeared below the 2 evaporator drains. Worked most of the way home on the return trip but I thought the compressor sounded noisy and turned the AC off. Next time I tried the AC a couple of days later it didn't work, the clutch didn't engage and when I depressed the LP port schraeder valve there was only a bit of pressure in the system. I checked in the usual places for AC gas/lube leaks, didn't see any. So hoped it was just a case of needing a regas but still more than half expected to eventually find a leak.

Phoned KwikFit who told me "We wont do anything else with it if there's less than 1 bar pressure in the system when we put the machine on it". I told them "I think there is less than 1 bar pressure now but that might be due to me pressing the schraeder valve, I want a vacuum test running and if it passes I want it charging up". They agreed to that, so booked an appointment and went through. Passed the vacuum test. Started filling, the machine quickly put 540grams in but stuck at 540, it kept cycling between 'filling has slowed, building pressure so that filling can continue' and 'filling' but still didn't get passed 540grams. Then the machine told us to start the engine and turn AC on (which I expected) and it quickly finished filling up to 990grams. Aircon worked, the drive home was a lot cooler, when home I immediately got back underneath it checking for leaks but still didn't find any. This was yesterday and it's still working today so fingers crossed there won't be any quick leaks and the gas that was put in last time (around 5 years ago) has leaked out slowly over the 5 years.
What do they charge to charge
Getting ready for our first camping trip with the new latitude roof tent . Taking grandkids 1 of 5 and 3 of 5 with us ( I always liked the Borg !!!!). Should be fun ….
Ordered front shocks, springs, bearings and top mounts, drop links and rear shocks (already have new rear springs fitted).

A job that I'm quite looking forward to 😬🤐
Took the rear wheel off to check my rear brakes and spotted this!! Bl**dy marvellous.... I am aware that there will be some wear on the inner edge due to the camber but this split Im a little concerned about and also some random marks on the tyre!
Any ideas from you guys if you think this is okay?
Im pretty sure this was probably done whilst in Spain driving through the mountains last year so Im hoping its only a small slit from a sharp stone but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
(Edit: just realised I didn't take the 19" rims to Spain)!

Took the rear wheel off to check my rear brakes and spotted this!! Bl**dy marvellous.... I am aware that there will be some wear on the inner edge due to the camber but this split Im a little concerned about and also some random marks on the tyre!
Any ideas from you guys if you think this is okay?
Im pretty sure this was probably done whilst in Spain driving through the mountains last year so Im hoping its only a small slit from a sharp stone but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
(Edit: just realised I didn't take the 19" rims to Spain)!

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after looking at the picture it looks like it's swollen if it is I think you need new tyre If the cut hasn't gone through to the casting it should be okay