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So true, I remember when I first started driving fighting with the steering wheel the first time the backend of my Cortina broke free. After that I made sure I would not loose the backend again. Over the years I have been on a number of skid pans to keep the skid control fresh, and it's great fun.
Before the Elgrand incident, a Ford Sierra in the mid-eighties was the last time I was sideways on a roundabout. Funny thing is the only cars I ever lost full control of were FWD. They don't respond as well as RWD to a "dab of oppo" 🤣
I was really surprised when I went food shopping earlier today that prices were more than they were last week.

I never would have expected that to happen.
I think we all have to do a bit of price comparison with our shopping. Although stores have their special offers that look good value, they know that when you are there, you will buy other things you want that are not on offer, these other items are more expensive than you can buy elsewhere. It's a minefield! 🤔
I was really surprised when I went food shopping earlier today that prices were more than they were last week.

I never would have expected that to happen.
I wouldn’t know, I’m just the driver and baggage handler.
My local Asda know my wife by her first name but have no idea who I am lol
Mind you, they know my next door neighbour so well they even have her picture on the wall in reception, so they can’t be all bad ?
Dose not want to be shamed by Elgrands parking near him
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Looking at how the other vehicle behind it is parked, it probably won't fit in the space properly. My comment doesn't mean I agree with how they have parked. :rolleyes:
Classic dryrobe w@nker parking.
DryRobes are very popular around here, I thought they were for when surfers, kayakers and other water sporters get out wet and freezing - so warm up and get dry with a DryRobe.

Buy no, they are popular with dog walkers, Very delivery guy, Just Eat delivery, standing on street corners and even a couple drinking at the bar with a matching camouflage ensemble.

Maybe they want to look sporty….
DryRobes are very popular around here, I thought they were for when surfers, kayakers and other water sporters get out wet and freezing - so warm up and get dry with a DryRobe.

Buy no, they are popular with dog walkers, Very delivery guy, Just Eat delivery, standing on street corners and even a couple drinking at the bar with a matching camouflage ensemble.

Maybe they want to look sporty….
We used to call them coats, but I always bought ones that fitted just me not the whole family at once….
Freaky! Pulled into the reception at a campsite in Chertsey right behind a silver Elgrand. What are the chances? Haven't said hello yet, but if you read this I was in the French registered motorhome behind you, so expect to be accosted.
Here's a general rant thread... let all of that pent up anger out!

What really pisses me off is no height adjustment on the driver seat and no seat warmers. I'm Saab spoiled I guess.