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South West JDM Combe - 9th Oct 2021 now booking

Not heard a thing from Castle Combe so was relying on this thread for attendees Not sure how I missed @Phil1880 so sorry for that.
You should get emails as soon as someone booked through the club code? That’s how it’s suppose to work.. 🤷‍♀️
I think it all went to pot after the numerous cancellations and rescheduling.
Thank you for all your hard work so far. The admin do an amazing job organising club stands

Just booked my tickets and looking forward to the day 👍
Thank you for all your hard work so far. The admin do an amazing job organising club stands

Just booked my tickets and looking forward to the day 👍
Thank you :) got you on the list.
I seem to be missing from the list after I re-booked the other day
Woohoo Hotel booked for the Friday night and club ticket bought!!! Let's do this 🚙 beep beep all aboard for Castlecombe
Fuckkkk yesss!!! 😍 we’re staying in hotel bet it’s not the same one though 😬😂
Ooh which one? We've booked the Premier Inn at Chippenham. Can’t go wrong at £40 for 2 adults and 2 kids
Hi all, this meet looks very appealing! Are there any spaces left please as it was planned a good while ago so understandable if none left now.
Cheers 👍
Hi all, this meet looks very appealing! Are there any spaces left please as it was planned a good while ago so understandable if none left now.
Cheers 👍
Yess we still have spaces left I’ve managed to increase the plot size :)
Yess we still have spaces left I’ve managed to increase the plot size :)
That's good news. I'll book up! Always wanted to see Castle Combe so an ideal opportunity. Will be great to meet all you other owners too! Fab! 👍
Hi @Lisa-Marie, I'm booked in with a club ticket, please could you add me to the list :)

My first ever club meet (and first JDM car show tbh) so slightly apprehensive, very excited and looking forward to meeting you all 🤘:grinning:
All Booked and looking forward to it! 👍
Got you both thank you :) getting exciting now :)