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South West JDM Combe - 9th Oct 2021 now booking

must get mine changed to oct at some point
must get mine changed to oct at some point
I rang them about this,they said if you have purchased tickets they will send tickets out nearer the time


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Hi all, not been about for a bit, been converting my baby myself! Anyway, i would be interested in this but want to confirm price and how to book, as the link shows different prices and no idea what i would be doing!
It's unlikely that I will be attending this now as it's a bit of a swim and the water is cold so I will have a spare ticket, but as they haven't yet issued them I can't pass it on. Maybe @Winchester will take over the reins.
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It's unlikely that I will be attending this now as it's a bit of a swim and the water is cold so I will have a spare ticket, but as they haven't yet issued them I can't pass it on. Maybe @Winchester will take over the reins.
I can be the point of contact, if required…
@Stempy let me have any contact details you have with Combe by pm
Listen up fools, club booking code is ELGRANDJDM. Enter your details here

If you have a voucher code from last year you can use it for a free ticket. You'll need to select a payment method at the end but it wont take any dosh. My ticket is booked.

If you want to book track time you can do this separately here

I have requested a stand for 10 vehicles. Once you have booked your ticket please PM me so I can keep track of who will be on the stand on a first come first served basis should it be oversubscribed.

Fill your boots.
Stempy, have you space for us?
Booked… have messaged @Stempy as don’t mind taking over this as there is no admin/rep attending so need to get this sorted

an if we can maybe get a bigger plot may be able to get more members coming :)
thank you lisa i could not organize a pissup in a brewery if i took my own beer :joy::joy:
thank you lisa i could not organize a pissup in a brewery if i took my own beer :joy::joy:
Hahaha no worries the information on here is stressing me out as well I’m a control freak 😂 so looking for the information to book on the 3rd/4th page stressed me out so will be sorting that out later with either an entire new thread with what will be happening with meeting in the morning etc and how to book. X