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Had a mold expert come at the weekend to look at our ceilings and he was horrified at the living conditions with have been left in!
Got the quote from them today which was double what I expected!
WTF yet another fight to get the landlord to pay on top of everything else going on in our lives! :mad:
Been floored by flu for just over two weeks 😕. Had to do some driving today which went well until Magnu started slowing down mysteriously. It was like limp home mode and happened three times in quick succession. My right foot must still be ill, it was covering the brake pedal! Foot down come to a stop, foot up Magnu starts moving on tick over.
Been floored by flu for just over two weeks 😕. Had to do some driving today which went well until Magnu started slowing down mysteriously. It was like limp home mode and happened three times in quick succession. My right foot must still be ill, it was covering the brake pedal! Foot down come to a stop, foot up Magnu starts moving on tick over.

Hope you get well soon buddy!
Been floored by flu for just over two weeks 😕. Had to do some driving today which went well until Magnu started slowing down mysteriously. It was like limp home mode and happened three times in quick succession. My right foot must still be ill, it was covering the brake pedal! Foot down come to a stop, foot up Magnu starts moving on tick over.

Hope you get well soon buddy!
Is it considered socially unacceptable to have a beer whilst sat at your desk at 9:30am, if the beer is non-alcoholic, and therefore basically a soda?
Asking for a distant friend.....
Hi , need help with my E51 2003 , fault C 1118 , 4WD light on , abs on , VDC on
So we are currently in at Ed Pont y Font, great campsite. Last night a good few beers with fellow vet, off to be at o’feck hundred hours. Yep needed the old boy walk to loo at about 0400 hrs give or take. Went to open side door (manual) no go, thought Ed had self-locked so blip key, lock unlock ok front door open no problem, side doors can’t open from inside (like a child lock). By this time bladder going mad, Khal not impressed. So this morning trying to figure out why Ed has decided to apply a form of child look inside, this is a new development.

WTF have I/Ed done to invoke a lockdown from inside, everything works from the outside ???
So we are currently in at Ed Pont y Font, great campsite. Last night a good few beers with fellow vet, off to be at o’feck hundred hours. Yep needed the old boy walk to loo at about 0400 hrs give or take. Went to open side door (manual) no go, thought Ed had self-locked so blip key, lock unlock ok front door open no problem, side doors can’t open from inside (like a child lock). By this time bladder going mad, Khal not impressed. So this morning trying to figure out why Ed has decided to apply a form of child look inside, this is a new development.

WTF have I/Ed done to invoke a lockdown from inside, everything works from the outside ???
STOP PRESS - stupid Elgrand owner has no idea how the child locks on both doors engaged, but has now rectified the problem FFS.
Is it considered socially unacceptable to have a beer whilst sat at your desk at 9:30am, if the beer is non-alcoholic, and therefore basically a soda?
Asking for a distant friend.....

Of couese it's acceptable, it's 5 o'clock somewhere!
Hi , need help with my E51 2003 , fault C 1118 , 4WD light on , abs on , VDC on
You need the technical section rather than WTF!
10 posts or pay for premium membership at the bargain price of £3 for one month trial or £12 for a whole year then you can ask away.
Welcome along BTW.
My last lot of bloods suggest my liver doesn't like alcohol. In any capacity, at any point.
Not that I'm a big drinker - fizzy beers are out thanks to a gastric bypass. Spirits go straight to my head so I never have more than one or two and even then it's best described as "infrequent".
Looks like I'm joining the ranks of the teetotal, so if anyone knows of an actually decent "flavoured water" ( which is all these booze free spirits are), answers on a postcard.....

Also, more infernal roadworks on the east lancs/a6/a666 (road to hell, how appropriate) this morning....why??!? There was nothing wrong with the junction or the lights...but you had to fiddle with it, didn't you? The biggest joke is that the signs they have (only just) put up say works start from 10th January for 10 weeks......er.....it's now June......🤣🤣🤔🤔
My last lot of bloods suggest my liver doesn't like alcohol. In any capacity, at any point.
Not that I'm a big drinker - fizzy beers are out thanks to a gastric bypass. Spirits go straight to my head so I never have more than one or two and even then it's best described as "infrequent".
Looks like I'm joining the ranks of the teetotal, so if anyone knows of an actually decent "flavoured water" ( which is all these booze free spirits are), answers on a postcard.....

Also, more infernal roadworks on the east lancs/a6/a666 (road to hell, how appropriate) this morning....why??!? There was nothing wrong with the junction or the lights...but you had to fiddle with it, didn't you? The biggest joke is that the signs they have (only just) put up say works start from 10th January for 10 weeks......er.....it's now June......🤣🤣🤔🤔

I think you miss read the sign...
