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I have a large appetite.
And might have to spend a few days on the road looking for fuel to get home yet.
Looks like we aren't going to make it this weekend guys :worried: @Karl boys (2 out of 3 - except the youngest), their older sister and mother got tested positive for Covid this morning (they did a test cos someone in the eldest's class got a positive test) and so we took a test, my test came back positive but not Karls. We both got a PCR done, just waiting on the results. Absolutely gutted we can't be there!
Really sorry to hear that.
Well this year has been eventful, what with covid cancelling everything we want to do, me getting ill, then the Drs finding i have myeloma, fuel shortages, now Karl and Pippa not coming due to a positive covid test. It looks like a lot of Jap Clubs have given Santa Pod a miss this year as only about half the normal amount of clubs have signed up to go this year. I am starting to think someone has it in for us all.
I am sure no matter what the weather throws at us we will have a good time.
Well this year has been eventful, what with covid cancelling everything we want to do, me getting ill, then the Drs finding i have myeloma, fuel shortages, now Karl and Pippa not coming due to a positive covid test. It looks like a lot of Jap Clubs have given Santa Pod a miss this year as only about half the normal amount of clubs have signed up to go this year. I am starting to think someone has it in for us all.
I am sure no matter what the weather throws at us we will have a good time.
Oh my friend, for sure we will have a fantastical time, I for one will make sure of it, they can't keep the EOC down, I won't allow it, we WILL eat drink and be merry, against all the odds, thank you for sorting the meet against such turmoil, we will make u proud Brian, bring it on...
Well this year has been eventful, what with covid cancelling everything we want to do, me getting ill, then the Drs finding i have myeloma, fuel shortages, now Karl and Pippa not coming due to a positive covid test. It looks like a lot of Jap Clubs have given Santa Pod a miss this year as only about half the normal amount of clubs have signed up to go this year. I am starting to think someone has it in for us all.
I am sure no matter what the weather throws at us we will have a good time.
Luckily enough with our club we do not need other clubs there to have a good time. I hope you all enjoy yourself.
I had the sudden thought early this morning that my tune is for the higher RON fuel and was worried about knocking if I used 95. I sent Jez a quick message and he said he can't be sure it won't knock and if I chanced it then to stay off boost but avoid labouring and try to get some octane booster.

I don't want a 150 mile round trip whilst being concerned about the engine so unless I can get premium tomorrow then I won't be coming. I'm afraid it seems highly unlikely as getting 95 is problematic, there were at least 2 local stations that had deliveries this morning and my friend has just texted me to say they are all sold out again despite having limited sales to £35 per customer.

I'm not sure what supply is like near Santa Pod and elsewhere but I'd be really nervous of getting home if you need to refuel.
You can always buy some high octane racing fuel at the pod
I am not too far away from Santa Pod and supplies seem ok
Just went to top up with LPG I know the LPG gauges are crap but had just gone onto 3/4 and took half a tank just got to recline one seat fill the car with stuff and am ready to go.