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Respray Engine Grill


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E51, S2 in the metalic gray.

The chrome finish on my grill is flaking. I guess this is a common problem so does anyone have any good advice or links etc they could pass on.

There are two routes you can go down. First being you can respray the grille or source a custom grille .. if you go down the respray route make sure you buy self etching primer as it cuts into the chrome and makes a solid base to put the final coat of what ever colour you choose .. I resprayed mine a few times but never liked the big Nissan badge on my grille.. opted for a custom grille from japan in the end .. our daisey is also the wv2 metallic silver


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There are two routes you can go down. First being you can respray the grille or source a custom grille .. if you go down the respray route make sure you buy self etching primer as it cuts into the chrome and makes a solid base to put the final coat of what ever colour you choose .. I resprayed mine a few times but never liked the big Nissan badge on my grille.. opted for a custom grille from japan in the end .. our daisey is also the wv2 metallic silver
Thanks Pete, that's very helpful & Daisey looks great!

Can it be done with aerosols & what was the rubbing down process?

Thanks Pete, that's very helpful & Daisey looks great!

Can it be done with aerosols & what was the rubbing down process?

Take the flakes off with some wet n dry sand paper, use it to scuff up the chrome also rattle cans will do the job.. best to take the grille off though .. will be easier to work on with better results
But take your time … don’t rush it otherwise it will look s##t and you will end up rubbing it all down and starting again.. I speak from experience..
But take your time … don’t rush it otherwise it will look s##t and you will end up rubbing it all down and starting again.. I speak from experience..
Thanks again Pete; it's the runs I have trouble with. I'll be giving it a go in the warmer weather.
agree with peter it can be done with rattle cans i did mine the first time with chrome paint from France at great expense which faded off after 3 months so i redone it with a 2pack pearl but just take your time and lacquer over the finished effect you are aiming for
agree with peter it can be done with rattle cans i did mine the first time with chrome paint from France at great expense which faded off after 3 months so i redone it with a 2pack pearl but just take your time and lacquer over the finished effect you are aiming for
Thanks Bob.

I have the chrome paint & lacquer so I just need a decent primer. I think I'll go with the chrome as it's such a great original feature.
Thanks Bob.

I have the chrome paint & lacquer so I just need a decent primer. I think I'll go with the chrome as it's such a great original feature.
I resprayed over every bit of chrome on the exterior of daisey .. each to their own .. .. the custom grille is brushed aluminium which I can just about bear .. lol
I resprayed over every bit of chrome on the exterior of daisey .. each to their own .. .. the custom grille is brushed aluminium which I can just about bear .. lol
I agree, there's always room for improvement or personalising your stuff, I'm not just talking about Elgrands either. It can be anything; your shed, your garage, your tool box etc. I'm often doing it myself but I try to restrain my impulses on the cosmetic front & avoid 'change for changes sake'.

When I was young I was always spraying my bikes & bolting tackle to 'em & apart from the initial rush, I have to say that it was hardly ever a real improvement.
1...Rub down with scotch brite pads, prep with green (course), then red (fine) to "key" the surface.
Clean/degrease (aceton, panel wipe)
2... Etch prime (3 coats) all the surface, leaving 5 mins between coats, leave for 10/15 mins.
3... Prime filler ( is just a "high build" primer & gives better cover) apply light coats leave 5 mins between coats rub down using red scotchbrite after the final coat to level & remove any scratches that may show though.
4...Top coat apply light covering coats leaving each coat to become "tacky" this will reduce the chance of paint running...when your happy with the finish walk away! "that the hardest part".😁

You can go with an colour top coat! It's just I used black...
Chrome has a tenancy flake off plastic after time in my experience...
Good luck!!!
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Thanks Rayc

Interesting to know about the chrome flaking.
if its primed it should not flake mine faded as i was advised by the manufacturer not to laquer but then found out it should have been so my fault here is a picIMG_20210424_142449.jpgIMG_20210615_174044.jpg
I originally used Plastidip (7 coats) on mine as I knew I was going to upgrade to an aftermarket grille at some point and wanted the Plastidip to last.

It took me 2 years to find the grille I wanted but well worth the wait :)


E51, S2 in the metalic gray.

The chrome finish on my grill is flaking. I guess this is a common problem so does anyone have any good advice or links etc they could pass on.

Is it the chrome or the clearcoat that is flaking ?
if it's the clearcoat then all is plain sailing i.e rubbing down and repainting , if it's the chrome then it depends on how deep it is.
The last one i did was badly corroded so had it dipped ,and found out that the chrome was a sort of foil (thick) rather than standard paint so all had to come off !!
you will find the original chrome is proper with a copper undercoat then chrome as on metal the black between the bars is then painted on all my good grill went to another member and i got old pitted ones as it made no sense in ruining good ones so even if you rub down to the copper you can still paint
Is it the chrome or the clearcoat that is flaking ?
if it's the clearcoat then all is plain sailing i.e rubbing down and repainting , if it's the chrome then it depends on how deep it is.
The last one i did was badly corroded so had it dipped ,and found out that the chrome was a sort of foil (thick) rather than standard paint so all had to come off !!
The grill is plastic & it appears to be the chrome paint that flaking accross the top edge of the laths only, though I'll have a closer look in the daylight.
I originally used Plastidip (7 coats) on mine as I knew I was going to upgrade to an aftermarket grille at some point and wanted the Plastidip to last.

It took me 2 years to find the grille I wanted but well worth the wait :)

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View attachment 65093
The aftermarket grill looks great. Might even be better in chrome. ; )
1...Rub down with scotch brite pads, prep with green (course), then red (fine) to "key" the surface.
Clean/degrease (aceton, panel wipe)
2... Etch prime (3 coats) all the surface, leaving 5 mins between coats, leave for 10/15 mins.
3... Prime filler ( is just a "high build" primer & gives better cover) apply light coats leave 5 mins between coats rub down using red scotchbrite after the final coat to level & remove any scratches that may show though.
4...Top coat apply light covering coats leaving each coat to become "tacky" this will reduce the chance of paint running...when your happy with the finish walk away! "that the hardest part".😁
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You can go with an colour top coat! It's just I used black...
Chrome has a tenancy flake off plastic after time in my experience...
Good luck!!!
The his Rays, that's great advice