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South West JDM Combe - 9th Oct 2021 now booking

Plan for Saturday! It’s going to be an early one 😬

meeting at Morrison’s car park SN14 6UZ

We will be there from 6:45-7:05am!!
So please please get there before 7:05am

as we need to get on the stand before 7:30

if you want to try an make your own way in that’s fine just let me know :) an we will see you there.
🤞 weather is good! X
that's what we need decisiveness, see you there ma'am 👍
We are right near Merlin Motorsport... location location location, woohoo, bring it on!!!


May be letting the display stand down on the sparkley bus front ….rear panel & bumper all repaired but no rear light till next week 😕 bit of a blue Peter stick the lens back to together … no looking to close or some strategic standing will have to come in play …😱
yep good luck Adrian shame there is no public voting 🤞🤞
Thanks, It’s no bad thing about the voting… there’s more Alphards attending than Elgrands 🤣🤣🤣 and also, everyone understands a sports car… but not everyone gets mpv’s … hopefully the judges do! … but in any case, I’m happy just to take part.
Foregone conclusion I reckon. I bet they have looked at the entry pics and already decided
May be letting the display stand down on the sparkley bus front ….rear panel & bumper all repaired but no rear light till next week 😕 bit of a blue Peter stick the lens back to together … no looking to close or some strategic standing will have to come in play …😱
No problem. We’ve got you covered… F1 style body screening 😂
May be letting the display stand down on the sparkley bus front ….rear panel & bumper all repaired but no rear light till next week 😕 bit of a blue Peter stick the lens back to together … no looking to close or some strategic standing will have to come in play …😱
Ours has a battle scar on the bottom of the bumper so we will be doing the same