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Wales Elgrandfest 2021 Wales

We normally use the nearest jet wash in a garage when we get there. but be warned the water is a lot harder down the south so have to dry it off as soon as or you get water spots and you have a hell of a job getting them off when they dry.
Every time I want to clean it it rains.
In work till 14:30 Friday.
Dash home jump in the Van off we go.

Only me and the boy this weekend. Cazy staying home with her broken foot in recovery
So I’m in the middle of trying to get some base ball caps made with the OC logo embroidered on… would anyone be interested in purchasing one of these on the camping weekend?
They will be £15 each.. let me know so I know if the club will be going ahead with ordering an how many etc. :)
You can put me down for 1
Back on the prep after work today,neighbour chipped in with the obligatory ' you've missed a bit', came back out about an hour later to inform me that if I polished it any more I'd be able to see my face in it, erm.......😅
Every time I want to clean it it rains.
In work till 14:30 Friday.
Dash home jump in the Van off we go.

Only me and the boy this weekend. Cazy staying home with her broken foot in recovery
:( for broken foot 😁 for getting away!
That don’t mean squat… mine can get dirty in one day without even leaving the drive .. there’s levels of dirty
Oh I know what your saying. But the more you clean them the easier they are to clean.
And it has to be thurs/fri I do it, as I'm still painting parts which is taking up my evenings till then 😁
Back on the prep after work today,neighbour chipped in with the obligatory ' you've missed a bit', came back out about an hour later to inform me that if I polished it any more I'd be able to see my face in it, erm.......😅
I will be inspecting @Markcurn1!!!!
That don’t mean squat… mine can get dirty in one day without even leaving the drive .. there’s levels of dirty
Mines at the highest level of dirty, it’s attracting some annoying graffiti artists, who think it’s funny to draw men’s appendages on it 😂😂😂
So excited!!!! We have provisionally booked the same place we went to in 2019.

we need numbers by next Thursday 17th to make sure it’s all booked in.

August 20th- 22nd Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (2nights)

also be nice to emas it’s my birthday the 20th 😬😂 only weekend available

Erwlon Caravan & Camping Park
Brecon Road, Llandovery, Carmarthernshire SA20 0RD

It's £20 a night for 2 people Inc electric hookup

£16 a night for 2 people non electric

£2.50 per night per person extra

Caravans are welcome and at the same price above

Awnings are free
Dogs are free

There's also a children's playground :)

We currently have plots 22-33 electric hook ups but if more people want to come we will be able to have the non electric hook ups also 12-25 that you can park your car on to an this is £16 per night For 2 people + £2.50 per person

PayPal details
Please send your payment to
Via Family and friends please :)

Electric hook up
1. @Elementian & @Lisa-Marie (2 Adults 1 child) PAID
2. @Claptrap (1 Adult) PAID
3. @Kelvin13 (2 Adults) PAID
4. @Himiko (2 Adults) PAID
5. @Safety Mick (2 Adults) PAID
6. @dognero (2 Adults) PAID
7. @bushhouse (Saturday night) (2 Adults) PAID
8. @Revo ( 2 Adults) PAID
9. @kfgas (2 Adults) PAID
10. @Pros2112 (3 people) PAID
11. @Rayvan (2 Adults 1 Dog) PAID
12. @chr1sdean (1 Adult) PAID

Non electric pitch

1. @Elgrand Cymru (2 Adults) PAID
2. @Markcurn1 (2 Adults) PAID
3. @Reverend RobP (2 Adults 2 Children) PAID
4. @peter strokosz 2 Adults) PAID
5. @Crazycraig (1 Adult) PAID
6. @sallyd (1 Adult) PAID
7. @LLGrandJ (1 Adult) PAID
8. @kalini812 (1 Person Saturday night) PAID
9. @kalini812 ( 2 people Saturday night) PAID
10. @John Burley (1 Adult) PAID
11. @Harby (2 adults 2 children) PAID

Maybe list
1.@Purple People Eater
2.@Parentalnightmare (day visit)
Can I add another child please . Do I just pay another £5. Many thanks Alan Harbourne