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Wales Elgrandfest 2021 Wales

I'm not going 😭😭😭
Light weights? I’m taking some elderflower water mother truckers
@Elementian is @Lisa-Marie not allowed in your workshop? I hope not, coz if she is then the poor girl is lacking in basic observational skills 🤣
She QC's all the welded goodies before it goes out but no she has no idea whats in there fully lol come to think of it neither do i :laughing: :joy:
Yeah Lisa , what’s the kettle for , boiling mushrooms lol.
ive just bought a whistling kettle for our gas stove for the tent. For tea and coffee lol. And hot choc for my lil boys .
we normally hire a house with hot tub , or luxury caravans lol. Gotta try everything once. And we sold our discovery 2017 for our Ellie 2008
Good to hear, my other half keeps telling me that I’m having mid life crisis wanting to go camping (glamping), she is not yet convinced to give the hotels, hot tubs, spa and restaurant food a miss. But we did get 7 out 10 on recent trip, so she is coming round.
Think the weekend will get a 10 /10 with all the goodies & the Elgrand gang.
Evening guys, unfortunately won't be staying the weekend, but managed to book the Thursday so will spend a few hours to see you all before we head home the Friday afternoon.
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