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Yakushi 2023 September 1st 2nd 3rd

Some Namie Amuro would be appropriate… maybe Hero or Baby don’t cry…

I won’t lie, when I searched and saw the image, instant thought was “ahhh that’ll be for the young un”

Then I saw the said singer is older than me…. Never been one for J Pop, but, I’m actually enjoying this!
View attachment 92429

I won’t lie, when I searched and saw the image, instant thought was “ahhh that’ll be for the young un”

Then I saw the said singer is older than me…. Never been one for J Pop, but, I’m actually enjoying this!
Can play a timmi trumpet set from tomorrowland in memory of me
Bump! The show's just round the corner? Any last minute additions? Bring your van to show and hang and and have a great laugh with fellow Elgrand owners :)
Sorry for the delay replying, we’ve had a lot going on and my mums got a few hospital things coming up so have to give this one a miss sadly.

Me and danni may pop up for one day in the cube though but we are not sure yet