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Where can I buy an Elgrand?

Apart from the S ones.
Hello ,

My name is Sebastian, I hope this is the right section to get some clues. I found out about Elgrand few months ago, and that would be perfect car for me and my family. This is exactly what I was looking for all my life but realized just. At the moment I drive Honda Civic. This is toooo Small. I need Elgrand! Is there anyone who could advise me. I want to buy from a dealer in UK as I 'd need a credit. I checked and what I want it will cost around £9000. And I want low mileage up to 50 000. My question is, is there something I should know before purchase? Like for example: " Do Not buy this or that model", or "Do not buy a models from 2013...14...15 etc, because it has fabric fault" or something like that?
I'd be really greatful for any advise?
Kind Regards
Hello ,

My name is Sebastian, I hope this is the right section to get some clues. I found out about Elgrand few months ago, and that would be perfect car for me and my family. This is exactly what I was looking for all my life but realized just. At the moment I drive Honda Civic. This is toooo Small. I need Elgrand! Is there anyone who could advise me. I want to buy from a dealer in UK as I 'd need a credit. I checked and what I want it will cost around £9000. And I want low mileage up to 50 000. My question is, is there something I should know before purchase? Like for example: " Do Not buy this or that model", or "Do not buy a models from 2013...14...15 etc, because it has fabric fault" or something like that?
I'd be really greatful for any advise?
Kind Regards
Check out the trade section, tap the forum button at top of page then go down your will find a list of dealers then just reach out to them to see what they have in stock also read before you buy as this will help with your requirements
Hello ,

My name is Sebastian, I hope this is the right section to get some clues. I found out about Elgrand few months ago, and that would be perfect car for me and my family. This is exactly what I was looking for all my life but realized just. At the moment I drive Honda Civic. This is toooo Small. I need Elgrand! Is there anyone who could advise me. I want to buy from a dealer in UK as I 'd need a credit. I checked and what I want it will cost around £9000. And I want low mileage up to 50 000. My question is, is there something I should know before purchase? Like for example: " Do Not buy this or that model", or "Do not buy a models from 2013...14...15 etc, because it has fabric fault" or something like that?
I'd be really greatful for any advise?
Kind Regards
Welcome, have a read through the guide threads to see what the Elgrand is like. Probably the biggest thing to know about is the low MPG, they are thirsty.

As mentioned above do your research, there is plenty of information on the forum in the various threads. Don't buy an Elgrand if you want something economical on fuel, they use a lot, and a big difference from the Honda Civic. If fuel consumption is not a concern, then the Elgrand is the perfect family bus, very spacious and comfortable.
I am in the market for a low mileage (sub 40k would be ideal as we plan to keep a long time and use as van/only car... realise we may have to get that from a dealer) 3.5 E51, cream interior, beige/cream leather preferred but will consider cream cloth if in good condition. Prob prefer one without sunroof as will eventually get pop top. But would be interested if was just drivers sunroof if that still allows for pop top to be easily fitted. Would prefer white/silver/beige/grey.
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Don't want to put a budget to it as it depends whats on offer and what you are looking for. Will have finances from 5th July. Want to purchase by end of July.

Happy for anyone to PM me. I'm keeping my eye out on the usual places, so really only asking for ones yet to be advertised/private - pls PM me if you have something.
I am in the market for a low mileage (sub 40k would be ideal as we plan to keep a long time and use as van/only car... realise we may have to get that from a dealer) 3.5 E51, cream interior, beige/cream leather preferred but will consider cream cloth if in good condition. Prob prefer one without sunroof as will eventually get pop top. But would be interested if was just drivers sunroof if that still allows for pop top to be easily fitted. Would prefer white/silver/beige/grey.

I don't know if they made an E51 with just the front sunroof, I think they are either none or two. Maybe someone else knows if they did just one, as I haven't seen this option.