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This doesn't really qualify for "WTF" but I couldn't think where to post it. This is a museum in the Peak District that offers some nostalgia trips, only 90 miles away from me and really fancy a go.

Club meet anyone?
Brother had one, got a bollocking off my dad for playing bumper cars with it against my Triumph 1300 in the street. His clutch gave out first 🤣
EDIT: Gone are the days of £50 cars and an MOT for £25 from Wallasey (car unseen) 🤣
Myself and my twin sister passed our driving test and our mam and dad didn't want us driving their mini metro. They bought a slightly lighter green one for me and my sister to drive. My sister was mortified by it but I needed it to get to work. I can tell you stories about it's reliability 😂😂😂
Myself and my twin sister passed our driving test and our mam and dad didn't want us driving their mini metro. They bought a slightly lighter green one for me and my sister to drive. My sister was mortified by it but I needed it to get to work. I can tell you stories about it's reliability 😂😂😂
But a brilliant shape....always reminded me of a pork pie hat
Mistakenly parked downwind of a construction site this afternoon Magnu got covered in a layer of stone or concrete dust.
She's back to being shiny after her second wash and wax in three days. I didn't like the idea of using waterless wash so she had the full treatment again.
Just don't.
I genuinely can't really get my head around how some sealed plastic aprons, gloves, masks etc can have an "expiry date".
My current employer is currently junking 950 brand new, still sealed, lab coats, all custom embroidered with organisation and department name....why? We still have that department, still teach the course subject.....
My Lab coat wtf just got more wtf-ier.
I came in this morning after emailing the dept with the intention of getting a few for the kids to play dress up games with, you know, family favourites like "Taxidermists Holiday" or "Autopsy Surprise".
I'm reliably informed " I just went to get some for you and er...well...you see...we kept them in an open access area and...well....they've all disappeared"

I appreciate they were inexplicably been given away free, but 950 of them? The costs just spaffed up the wall here are almost as baffling as the PPE nonsense.
My Lab coat wtf just got more wtf-ier.
I came in this morning after emailing the dept with the intention of getting a few for the kids to play dress up games with, you know, family favourites like "Taxidermists Holiday" or "Autopsy Surprise".
I'm reliably informed " I just went to get some for you and er...well...you see...we kept them in an open access area and...well....they've all disappeared"

I appreciate they were inexplicably been given away free, but 950 of them? The costs just spaffed up the wall here are almost as baffling as the PPE nonsense.
Interesting games though 🤣
My Lab coat wtf just got more wtf-ier.
I came in this morning after emailing the dept with the intention of getting a few for the kids to play dress up games with, you know, family favourites like "Taxidermists Holiday" or "Autopsy Surprise".
I'm reliably informed " I just went to get some for you and er...well...you see...we kept them in an open access area and...well....they've all disappeared"

I appreciate they were inexplicably been given away free, but 950 of them? The costs just spaffed up the wall here are almost as baffling as the PPE nonsense.

Interesting games though 🤣

Who doesn’t want to play ‘Autopsy Surprise’ !!??!!!?! 😂
The wnakers who run our country need a serious spanking when shit like this happens, I'm not talking politicians, I'm talking the purchasing "professionals" who budget for the authorities, NHS, education etc etc They wouldn't last five minutes in the real world :mad::mad:
well the holiday season is looming large and already the part-time drivers are amongst us daily road users. Today's spectacular fuck-up is brought to you by a tourist who didn't spot the enormous fckin roundabout on the North Wales coastal expressway. Bell-end is too kind of a description.

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