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Did he tell you what he paid for it/or would want for it?
No. In fact it was a bit of a know-it-all geezer who I unfortunately spoke to last year in a webuy in Aberdare. Once I sussed it was him I didn't hang in his company for too long.
He said something about it takes longer to get a price, bit more work.
An E50 at WeBuy Caerphilly earlier! I went in and asked the webuy geezer if someone sold it, he said yes.

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while sad to see an E50 Rider go to that outfit, I will console myself that the top grille is ugly as the light covers and the spotlights cut into the lower grille 😅

while sad to see an E50 Rider go to that outfit, I will console myself that the top grille is ugly as the light covers and the spotlights cut into the lower grille 😅

... and it won't be that quick, as it's not white! ;)
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Controversially I think a little dent is great - does not interfere with the function of the vehicle, acts like a distinctive mole if it gets nicked and other drivers steer clear because they think you are a shit driver (in my case that’s true) 😂
Haven’t these poor people suffered enough already? Now they are all going to be made seriously ill by breathing in all that tailpipe filth.
I thought that, not safe enough for Londoners but fine for Ukrainians - should just donate them to us Northerners instead.
The group does its best, but there will always be some who fall through the net. ☹️
I guess they could be on the FB owners clubs 😆

sorry not sorry
Agreed with you both.

I visit FB forums only sporadically because I almost need time out and a rest afterwards, the sheer amount of bs/misinformation on FB gives me a headache lol.
Agreed with you both.

I visit FB forums only sporadically because I almost need time out and a rest afterwards, the sheer amount of bs/misinformation on FB gives me a headache lol.

I jumped in too and straight out again. I think they are all in the right place for them and we are all just fine over here! I felt quite dizzy after reading just a few threads.
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There's nothing really wrong with the members of the FB groups, they're a mixed bunch just like the members on this forum. There's also some who are members of both, SWMBO is one of those.
Most of the problem is FB itself which encourages behavioural patterns to make posts go viral.
After some 15 years on FB my account should be deleted sometime in the next 24 hours, I initially only joined to keep an eye on the kids when they were allowed accounts.

I like this forum, the people are friendly and helpful. There's practically no RTFM type replies. There's a tolerance of thread jacking and posting in, what I sometimes think, is the wrong section.
Long may it continue ❤️.
I don’t post or visit much.

I tend to just keep to the basics and the important stuff.

I don’t understand these people who feel the need to post pictures of their cars and other belongings - and even grainy top-less photos themselves from 50 years ago…..why?

Just attention seeking in my opinion.

Any who - I’ve got some photos here of when I came 4th in Butlins Mr Olympia 1987 if anyone wants to see them.

There were 5 entries but one guy was disqualified because he was actually a Woman, so technically I didn’t come last.
I don’t post or visit much.

I tend to just keep to the basics and the important stuff.

I don’t understand these people who feel the need to post pictures of their cars and other belongings - and even grainy top-less photos themselves from 50 years ago…..why?

Just attention seeking in my opinion.

Any who - I’ve got some photos here of when I came 4th in Butlins Mr Olympia 1987 if anyone wants to see them.

There were 5 entries but one guy was disqualified because he was actually a Woman, so technically I didn’t come last.

Even those that don’t want to admit it…..we all want to see the photos 😁
As long as it’s not the same shorts yet again, sick of seeing em now :innocent: