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South East Waning Winter Wight Weekend - 1st March


The French Connection
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I know we are still just about in 2019, but looking forward to events in 2020 I had the idea of a meet on the Island.

To this end I am putting out the feelers for the amount of interest considering the cost of the boat to get there and the possibility of Islanders being able to offer mainlanders a discount for the crossing.

Your thoughts here please.
👍🏼👍🏼 had talk of doing this with @Cliff Goodwin but we never got round to arranging anything. Date depending and how I am financially at the time i'd be up for having a little jolly to the island 👍🏼
Good point. Living nearby I had it mind as a day trip, but anyone from from further afield might want somewhere to stay.
I've stayed here before:

Theres a BBQ and seating area for communal use but they didn't seem keen on a lot of noise later in the evening to avoid upset of other campers.
And while I remember in case anyone goes, the entrance is very steep, its the only place I have grounded out - my tow bar just caught as I was at a funny angle and went a bit too quickly, slower speed on all other entrance and exits and all was fine.
could be an idea andy could get an early ferry have the meet them please the other half with a bit of sightseeing:cool:
Depending on how many are travelling we could probably organise some discount codes for cheaper travel

it’s worth registering with Wight link and red funnel ferries as you ca get books of discount codes you can share (upto a max of 3 peeps per code)
Haven't been to the Island for a while. Last time was on a Warner Holiday break where I got food poisoning.
Red Funnel from Southampton to Cowes is generally cheaper than Wightlink. A cursory search just now: the former for a Saver ticket in Jan 2020 is around £24 and maybe another £4 from Portsmouth to Fishbourne
We can certainly sort out some discount codes for ferries, and if you wanted a weekend meet I know of a few places that would be happy for us to camp at a reasonable cost
My initial idea was just for a day trip but if enough folk from further afield are interested then it would be a good idea to arrange a venue that can provide overnight facilities for those that want to stay on.
why is it so complicated (well for me) to get one price for the journey over there web site seems to want you to book there and then and what difference does it make if you got two-three or four and the dog under 5mtrs or two ton just give a price to travel the three fucking miles if it can be done for the severn bridge why not a ferry i got prices between 38 and 85 pounds depending on time of day or the day itself
why is it so complicated (well for me) to get one price for the journey over there web site seems to want you to book there and then and what difference does it make if you got two-three or four and the dog under 5mtrs or two ton just give a price to travel the three fucking miles if it can be done for the severn bridge why not a ferry i got prices between 38 and 85 pounds depending on time of day or the day itself
It can be a bit hit and miss depending on time of year and even time of day, the 5m thing is because they have to load u on the bottom if ur over and if Ur over height too, I can always get u some sort of discount if u need of want it, all tickets cover upto 7 people but they need to know how many are onboard
We need an amphibious Elgrand. If you time it right you could almost drive over.
had another trawl through there website and yes i know they need length hight and weight plus passenger no but you have to hunt for a price 38 quid for 8.00 sailing on sun may 10th for example but then it was only letting me come back on mon 11th ill give them a ring nearer a date if it comes off thanks for the offer cliff
Like the sound of this, we're frequent visitors to the island as Northstar is based there and will be doing a few more vans with them again over the next few months. If timings work out when we're there we'll definitely join up and say hello. Will watch with interest and confirm when you guys settle on dates.

Ferry bookings and prices are crazy sometimes. On a few occasions we've just needed a single when we've collected a van and found it cheaper to book a return ticket and just not show up for the one leg!
had another trawl through there website and yes i know they need length hight and weight plus passenger no but you have to hunt for a price 38 quid for 8.00 sailing on sun may 10th for example but then it was only letting me come back on mon 11th ill give them a ring nearer a date if it comes off thanks for the offer cliff
Were you looking at the redfunnel.co.uk - just select Car/MPV/4x4 (5.5 x 2.0m), thats all I've ever booked.
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