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UNEXPECTED DOWNTIME - Explanation & What you need to do

Thanks. I have deleted my cookies, etc and can log in. However I am attempting to follow threads in this post "https://forum.elgrandoc.uk/threads/Nissan-Elgrand-e51-ne51-vdc-off-slip-lights-on-sorted.2389/" and neither loads. Both open a login page, but I can't login to them. Is anyone else seeing this?
I am getting log in too on those links
The photos have never auto rotated that I know of?!
Photos now only appear the right way around if its been taken landscape. The portrait pics come out on the side. It used to rotate automatically
Thanks. I have deleted my cookies, etc and can log in. However I am attempting to follow threads in this post "https://forum.elgrandoc.uk/threads/Nissan-Elgrand-e51-ne51-vdc-off-slip-lights-on-sorted.2389/" and neither loads. Both open a login page, but I can't login to them. Is anyone else seeing this?
I am getting log in too on those links

If you're getting log in issues, this is cookie related.

When you delete cookies ensure you don't have the website loaded on any open tabs else it won't work properly.

So close all browser tabs, delete cookies again, and try again. If the problem persists, let me know.
Photos now only appear the right way around if its been taken landscape. The portrait pics come out on the side. It used to rotate automatically

Must be something to do with image magik. I'll look into it with @Chimestrike
Bloody hell @Karl , i come home from my mini break to find you'd all moved house without telling me :eek: (least that's what it felt like)
Been trying for an age to log in and "server not found" etc etc----am i glad to be back/ i even resorted to talking to the wife :mad: (Don't ever do this to me again :p)

OK ,had to have my comical rant "you know me by now"----well done guys, nw a little light reading and i'm off to delete some cookies ;)
I am backup and running
If you're getting log in issues, this is cookie related.

When you delete cookies ensure you don't have the website loaded on any open tabs else it won't work properly.

So close all browser tabs, delete cookies again, and try again. If the problem persists, let me know.
Hi Karl

Still no good - tried this.

I cleared out cookies on both Chrome and Edge browsers (Windows 10) and tried from both.

I can log in to the Forum OK but trying to access the link above still takes me to another login page


This also happens if I click on any of my bookmarks as well.

Hi Karl

Still no good - tried this.

I cleared out cookies on both Chrome and Edge browsers (Windows 10) and tried from both.

I can log in to the Forum OK but trying to access the link above still takes me to another login page

View attachment 40525

This also happens if I click on any of my bookmarks as well.

Hi I just logged in vie login page all ok but it does not keep me logged in when i close down
Hi Karl

Still no good - tried this.

I cleared out cookies on both Chrome and Edge browsers (Windows 10) and tried from both.

I can log in to the Forum OK but trying to access the link above still takes me to another login page

View attachment 40525

This also happens if I click on any of my bookmarks as well.


In the Web address, is it showing as http or https?

If it's http, change to https and see what happens.
Hi I just logged in vie login page all ok but it does not keep me logged in when i close down

Have you deleted your cookies as instructed in the opening post?
Hi Karl have deleted all cookies as requested will check again later in the week when I log back in.
Hi Karl have deleted all cookies as requested will check again later in the week when I log back in.
As above. Make sure that the Web address is https not http.
Photos now only appear the right way around if its been taken landscape. The portrait pics come out on the side. It used to rotate automatically
Can you check the photo that was sideways and let me know if its right now, if not can you link me the thread its in please?
Couldn't get on over the weekend to read up on what's going on 😭. Finally back on 😁happy as a pig in mud 😁 or me in me bus 😁, Thanks to all, 👍.
This looks to be as the links were done before we had SSL, I've manually adjusted the links to fix them so you should be able to access them now
Yes, that worked, thanks. Rob
Sorry for the unexpected interruptions to service over the last 24 hours.

We have been working on migrating the forum onto a new server, and we ended up taking a little too long. The old host switched off our services last night, and we have had to get set up and working on the new server.

Anyone who has been able to access the forum from approx 11am on FRIDAY 4th September until now will have lost what they posted. The reason being that what you were seeing was a cached version of the forum on the old server, but the backup we used to restore from was taken at 11am yesterday.

@Chimestrike has been working relentlessly on getting the migration completed with minimal disruption. But as our hand was forced with the move, things weren't as smooth and streamlined as we had hoped. Anyone who has struggled to get onto the forum between then and now, we apologise for the inconvenience.

Ok, so what does the server move mean?

Well, the new server is faster, has more space for us and more bandwidth. This means that the issues we had in the background won't be recurring, and also we'll be able to do more with the forum with the extra resources at our disposal.

But, moving servers comes with complications in the form of COOKIES. Not the delicious chocolate chip treat we all love... but files on your computer/mobile device that store data about the websites you are visiting. Whenever you log into a website and click that "remember me" button... the data is stored in a COOKIE on your device.

Now because we have changed server, the cookie stored on your device is out of date. This means every time you try to connect to the forum, you may be experiencing some issues such as not staying logged in even after you log in. Not being able to log in at all. Or just general misbehaviour of the website including slow loading times.

In order to fix this, you need to clear all the CACHE and COOKIES related to ELGRANDOC.UK. There are no instructions that can be given on how to do this as it varies depending on the device you are using and the internet browser you are using (Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc).

So in order to delete SITE SPECIFIC COOKIES AND CACHE you will need to go to Google and search how to do it for your browser.

You do NOT need to clear ALL of the cookies and cache on your device else you will end up being logged out of every website you have visited (ASDA, Tesco. Amazon, online shops, online banking etc). You only need to delete the data SPECIFIC to ELGRANDOC.UK.

Once you have done that, you will be able to use the forum as normal.

Again, we apologise for the unexpected downtime. We meant to have a little more order to this, but we did the best with what we had. And @Chimestrike has done an excellent job of getting the wheels in motion again.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to comment here or message any of the admin team for assistance.
Great work sorting it guys and forever improving the forum @Karl & @Chimestrike

Fortunately I was away for the weekend with NO electric NO phone signal & NO resources apart from fire so missed this downtime.


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