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"Tractor" diary. Elgrand from Siberia. E50.

I tried loads of CAD software before I got my 3D printer, found most either too simple or far to complicated to use. If AutoCAD is new to you and you find it tricky I found Fusion 360 from Autodesk very intuitive to use and has all the functions.

Not sure whether they do a Russian version but there is a personal use version which is free:

They recently changed the licensing and seems the only limit is working on 10 files at a time but you can switch projects between editable or readonly so no problem for me.

If you can make a full scale model of an E50 I will 3D print it for you :)
I tried loads of CAD software before I got my 3D printer, found most either too simple or far to complicated to use. If AutoCAD is new to you and you find it tricky I found Fusion 360 from Autodesk very intuitive to use and has all the functions.

Not sure whether they do a Russian version but there is a personal use version which is free:

They recently changed the licensing and seems the only limit is working on 10 files at a time but you can switch projects between editable or readonly so no problem for me.

If you can make a full scale model of an E50 I will 3D print it for you :)
Thank you very much) I am an engineer and my work with a autocad) I have a "pirate" version of 2013 at work) And at home I use autocad 2018.)
Hi) in general, there is nothing special to write about El)) well, the rear left shock absorber mount came off, that same evening I made a new mount and welded it on. generally boring workdays))
But the family has a lot of new things)
In general, yesterday we had a new four-legged friend) a mixture of an Eastern European husky with something))) The story is this - my wife went for a walk with our son and he followed them 2 km o.o Considering that the street is -25 degrees, there are a lot of wandering evil dogs, we decided to take this giant to ourselves) For now, he shares the roof with Elgrand in a cozy garage)
Soon I will build a house for Marty)
Oh yes, his name is Marty)
As for pets)
We have a cat named Elvis in our house. We found him in our village when we bought the house. It took a long time to treat him.
We also have dogs. Sky is Luba's dog. Lyuba is my wife) And recently in December we rescued a puppy, my wife named him Sam)) in general, we have a big family)))

cat Elvis, dog Sam


Hi) for a long time I was gone. Was on a long business trip. Arrived yesterday) El hardly moves, stands in the garage) now in the process of changing jobs)
Wondered where you gone good to have you back time to get the El out then now you're back and good luck with the new job
Wondered where you gone good to have you back time to get the El out then now you're back and good luck with the new job
Welcome back , hope new job is move in right direction
Thank you friends) a new stage has begun) I almost sold El) but I refused) there is a new battle with rust ahead)
Thank you friends) a new stage has begun) I almost sold El) but I refused) there is a new battle with rust ahead)
Nothing worse than chasing rust around hope it's not to big of a job and good you decided not to sell
Hello everyone) What's new with me? Nothing special) working around the house) El is waiting for a grand renovation)
Hi) I ordered a weapon to fight rust) a welding machine, a compressor) I will soon cut, weld and paint) so far I have served the engine - I changed the glow plugs, the valve cover gasket, adjusted the valve clearance, drowned the egr, cleaned the intake manifold. then I plan to repair the front suspension, replace the bearings of the gearbox)
Sounds like you will be busy mate can't beat getting the welder out, damn rust:rolleyes:rust don't forget pictures of your wheels when you get them👍