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Speed Awareness Indicators


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The variable speed limits are doing my head in and I'm easily distracted even when I know the limit!

Is Google maps the most straightforward option?

Or has anyone found anything better, preferably with a noise indicator, and no subscription!

i use Waze which gives the speed limits and your speed but having never used Google maps don't know if is better but it is free so may be worth a try :)
I use google and it works perfectly except, as far as I can tell, it doesn’t let you set different sounds for different notifications. So, it’s the same noise for (say) you missing a turn as breaking the limit past a variable.
I would like one noise for non critical things and then a FO loud klaxon for speed-tax scameras.
I have a Garmin 65 SmartDrive with Alexa, and that is pretty good when there are roadwork with temp speed limits, and average speed cameras, plus fixed and mobile cameras. The only thing is falls down on is when a fixed speed limited is changed, it can be a bit slow to update the maps. It also connects to an app on my smartphone, and gives me real time traffic reports, and updates arrival times and asks do you want to take a quicker route, that will add extra miles to the journey. Then you don't have to sit stuck in a jam.
Tried Waze today and couldn't get a sound alert for speeding. Just visual. Am I missing something?
The alert says for speeding, not for speed.

I just used to glance at my phone, Google Maps, every now and then to check what the speed should be if it wasn't obvious.
Well, I suppose it could be. That would be a shame then wouldn't it.
Think you'll find the speed you're doing will show in red and pulse slightly if you go over the limit set (not that I ever go over the limit to check this out 😚) There doesn't seem to be any audible alert but it would make good sense to have one.
Isn't the max legal speed always obvious, especially if you don't miss signs?

If we're talking variable limits as in say managed motorways do apps like Google even have a direct and immediately updated link to (say) the computer that shows the managed speed limit on roadsigns?
Isn't the max legal speed always obvious, especially if you don't miss signs?

If we're talking variable limits as in say managed motorways do apps like Google even have a direct and immediately updated link to (say) the computer that shows the managed speed limit on roadsigns?
I don't travel on motorways. I love the twisty, bendy side roads.

Many times I have noticed when using Google Maps for directions, a 40 has gone to 50 on my phone, with no signs on the road and with no real reason.

I had written out directions for one trip, before using my phone to direct me on the same route and had wondered the first time why traffic was building up behind me. It was the exact spot that the speed limit changed on my phone, with no signs at all on the road.

Within a couple of miles it reverts back to 40 on the phone and there are 40 marks in the road.

Was I supposed to guess/know it was 50 for those 2 miles on that twisty Road? 🤔

Roadworks on the A595 recently, caused a reduced speed limit for several miles and the Google Maps updated immediately as I entered the zone.
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Isn't the max legal speed always obvious, especially if you don't miss signs?

I agree with this but to give an example I actually had to attend a speed awareness course on zoom at the end of last year which I will say was very good.

The reason was that I did miss a sign , my mistake, no argument with that but I can't help but feel that I and most likely hundreds of others would have been ripped off.

I was travelling on a dual carriageway where there were roadworks and a speed limit of 50 in force.

This was quite a twisty bit of road and the lanes on this section were quite tight and with concrete barriers on the outside lane and you really would have been hard pushed to do more than 50

I travelled along this section keeping to about the 40 mark

This section went on for just over 61/2 miles with every so often a 50 mile per hour sign

After 6.1/2 miles the road straightened out and the lanes became a bit wider and the concrete barriers disappeared and also the grass verge was wider.

At this point I did miss a sign as I was not expecting the limit to change as the road then went from being a 50 mile limit to being a 30 mile limit for about 300 yards

I was clocked as doing 41 MPH

As I know the road and exactly where I was going I did not have any sort of sat nav or route planner on but now use waze for nearly every journey even if I know where I am going as I think that that may have saved me £80 and having to attend the speed awareness course.