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South East South Coast Salterns Solent Congregation - 2nd August


The French Connection
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Well my southern softie companions, the first Sunday of August is fast approaching so I am suggesting an RVP of Lee On The Solent. Free parking can be had here https://goo.gl/maps/mA4Hujpb5LFwiety9

So shall we say the usual time of 10am to 10.30am. Register your interest here.
yep up for that spent my misspent childhood all round there :cool:
just a ps thought this was going to be in the new forest lee is fine by the way ;)
at the last one we suggested going to the forest as Shaun keeps dragging all the way here but i think a lot of the car parks are still closed im happy with lee its a nice view and there are toilets and a cafe
I thought I would organise something a bit sharpish as time ticks by. Always open to suggestions.
just had a very quick look at new forest car parks and a lot are still closed due to ground-nesting birds so almost the same as bird flu :joy:
Yes did look at a few in the forest most are closed or very uneven, checked out matchams view point website,just went onto a dogging site😱😱
Lee it is then. The Hovercraft Museum is nearby but looks like it's only open Saturdays at the moment.
Shaun if you are eating out up here there is the Osbourne view about half a mile away the crofton pub also about half a mile or the golden bowler about a mile away you might have to pre-book i can give a few more if you want a bit further :cool:
Shaun if you are eating out up here there is the Osbourne view about half a mile away the crofton pub also about half a mile or the golden bowler about a mile away you might have to pre-book i can give a few more if you want a bit further :cool:
Cheers Bob,not sure yet,we usually just wing it,I deliver to a few pubs there so will find something ,cheers anyway
no worries you probably know more than me :joy::dizzy:
As I was over Fareham way this morning I did a recce of the meeting point. All good, although the 'facilities' remain well and truly closed so if you're in need of refreshment or relief then bear that in mind.
You'll be showing off if all goes well tomorrow. And I'll be a bit louder.