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Remember when......

Tomato was my favourite.
Just looking at that vending machine evokes smells of Chlorine and Bleach along with a wait for the bus in freezing weather with wet hair.

My brothers would select Bovril which gave them Bovril breath for days. 🤮
I had the grey Camaro and both of these garages!
I need to get back to the UK to get playing again! lol


Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 06.26.39.pngaef582cd1b37036f733c9192fc72481d--vintage-hot-wheels-pinterest-board.jpeg
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My Brother and me shared this one a LaserBoom Box I think it was called.


I remember being amazed at being able to record a tape from a tape.

The end speakers were detachable so you could do a bit of surround sound, but they kept falling off for no reason.

When I took it outside it would run on 8 maybe 10 - D batteries which were a fortune to a young lad with only a Saturday job.

If you were running the tape deck on full chat you would only get 20mins from a fresh set…..
My Brother and me shared this one a LaserBoom Box I think it was called.

View attachment 102538

I remember being amazed at being able to record a tape from a tape.

The end speakers were detachable so you could do a bit of surround sound, but they kept falling off for no reason.

When I took it outside it would run on 8 maybe 10 - D batteries which were a fortune to a young lad with only a Saturday job.

If you were running the tape deck on full chat you would only get 20mins from a fresh set…..

The battery drain was amazing on those things!!

And it even included a graphic equaliser…possibly the best way to ruin the sound of your music 😄
Wow what a flashback! I remember getting this as a Xmas present when I was around 4 or 5 years old. I remember opening the present, where I was in the room, how the room looked, what else I'd been doing that day etc.

That's awesome Simon!
Pretty sure mine is still at my parents!
Use to love the ramp/lift with the windup string. The good old days so much fun back then I wish I could go back to that era compared to now!
When i was a kid i loved anything that was spinning..

I would play with Gyroscopes for hours.


And i cant believe i was allowed to walk around the house with this Sparking Wheel, should have been banned.😆


About age 7 I got a Go Cart a bit like this. I absolutely loved it and couldn't wait to get home from primary school to go peddling round and round the garden on it, no matter what the weather.
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When as a small boy in shorts and a Wolf Cub, you were encouraged to have a sheath knife and wear it out and about on your belt in case you could do something useful with it. Now at 65 I’m not allowed to carry one!

Also, had you looked in a book for suggestions of fun hobbies for a small boy you may have seen “why not try collecting birds eggs?”