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Midlands Notts and Derby monthly meet anybody?


E51 Owner
E51 Expert
Reaction score
Notts / Derby border area.
First Name
Hi guys I was thinking of getting a local monthly evening meet together for Notts and Derby Elgrand owners now we are getting a few round the area. It will be a relaxed social evening meet for an hour or two once a month on a pre set day of the month just for a drink and a chat. I was thinking about the Festival Inn at Trowel or The Shipley Boat Inn between Ilkeston and Heanor, both of them having large car parks and the Shipley Boat Inn already has Custom Car and Bike nights.. Let me know what you think.
Hi. I would be interested. I work away in the week in Nottingham so if it is a week day that would be ideal.
I'd be up for that yeah. I get mine end of April.
Ok guys I will keep you posted, I will "case the joints" first and see if they have anything going off on any nights.
Let's do it then. Summer will be over before we know it, so if we don't start now it will never happen.

Monthly meet sounds like a good plan. Happy with any venue, if I can possibly attend I will. Weekend meet at somewhere like Donnington would be good too and I'd be up for that. Any other local events anyone is aware of? Looks like we've missed the Wollaton car show this year.

Start a list for those interested and put me down.
Very busy at the moment (who said retirement was a breeze?) but if it's less than 1 1/2 hours drive I may be able to make it.
Just put the day/dates up,Brian....:cool:
I'll be up for this Brian. It's only 1:20hr for me