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North East Modified Scene/ElgrandOC Crossover Meet - Sunday 6th October 7PM - Catterick Tesco


The Boss
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North East
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North East
Now then, I've been approached by a club known as Modified Scene North East to have a joint meet up.
I have no idea what to expect from this at all... but I thought I might as well agree to it and see what happens.

This will be a car park meet, and if there is any misbehaviour of any sort (burn outs, donuts, racing, etc) then I will be leaving sharpish and would request anyone else who attends to do the same.

But, in the interest of getting the Elgrand out there a little more and the fact they have approached me to get us involved, I thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and get stuck on.

There is no list to organise as there are no tickets or requirements for numbers. But if you would like to go, a reply to this thread wouldn't go amiss just so I know who to expect is coming.

I'll be dropping my kids off in Leeds at 6ish, so we'll be calling into the meet on our way home which will be around 7pm - 7:30pm ish.

If anyone wants to come along, it would be great to have a strong showing of Elgrand's, but I also appreciate this may be a little out of some people's comfort zone. Let me know if you fancy it :)
What time does it start Karl?
7PM bud. I'm really not sure what to expect from it to be honest, but won't know unless I go and find out haha.
Might have had a ride out if it was earlier and the pub had a park or something for the young 'un but the meet's a bit late for that.
Might have had a ride out if it was earlier and the pub had a park or something for the young 'un but the meet's a bit late for that.

Yeah it's quite a trek up for you bud. I'm only going as I'll be driving back past there after dropping the kids off at their mum's xxxxxxx