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M6 Toll Charges


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South East
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South East
Hi all,

I used the M6 Toll on a recent trip up to Scotland. Going up joined from the M42 to M6 North and vice-versa on the return.

Received my credit card statement today:

16th May £9.70

31st May £16.60

I had a look at their website. Kind of complicated - depends on where you get on and off plus the size of the vehicle determined by ANPR and gizmos to physically measure your vehicle.

I have challenged it. But I think the charge is determined by vehicle height and length plus number of axles. The £9.70 was probably wrong!

Interestingly there is a facility on their website to get a receipt. You input date of travel & registration number plus last four digits of the card used to pay. However, the computer said "No" as it didn't recognise the registration plate number.

I'll keep you posted when they've came back to me.

Tip of the day. When the overhead signs say “M6 TOLL CLEAR” that actually means that the normal M6 is also clear and you should use that without cost.
The reason for this is that if the normal M6 wasn’t clear and free flowing they would sure as hell tell you about it.
Tip of the day. When the overhead signs say “M6 TOLL CLEAR” that actually means that the normal M6 is also clear and you should use that without cost.
The reason for this is that if the normal M6 wasn’t clear and free flowing they would sure as hell tell you about it.
Correct...my reasoning every time I approach it.

They never say the M6 is flowing do they?
Used to live near there. I have seen busier B roads than the M6 Toll - local bone of contention that it should be taken into public ownership and made free. Depending on the time of day, going up the M42 and turning left onto the A5 isn't much slower and a lot cheaper.
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I'm still waiting for an explanation.
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I am not a fan of all motorways being toll roads, but it's nice to have some that are, as they are usually quieter at peak times. If they made the M6 toll free, it would get as busy as the M6 at peak times. We got stuck on the M6 for hours once before the toll road was there, so I'm happy to use it.

When we went to Canada a few years ago, we used a toll road to get round a huge traffic jam in Toronto, worth every penny not to sit in traffic for hours.

Just my opinion of course, everyone can make their own choice. :)
I am not a fan of all motorways being toll roads, but it's nice to have some that are, as they are usually quieter at peak times. If they made the M6 toll free, it would get as busy as the M6 at peak times. We got stuck on the M6 for hours once before the toll road was there, so I'm happy to use it.

When we went to Canada a few years ago, we used a toll road to get round a huge traffic jam in Toronto, worth every penny not to sit in traffic for hours.

Just my opinion of course, everyone can make their own choice. :)
We actually liked it because we have a dog and we find the services on the M6 Toll to be convenient and good to exercise the mutt.