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North East Last get together for 2018?

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The Boss
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North East
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North East
Anyone fancy a last get together before the year is out? Planning on Sunday 4th November. Probably mid afternoon time? Maybe meet up for some lunch and a chat? Maybe just a coffee? Nowhere fancy, just a brief catch up, welcome some newbies hopefully, spend a couple of hours then disappear home?

Thinking Teesside area is pretty central for most north easterners?

We got any interest?
I'd have been up for it but sadly I'm away that weekend, I *should* have just got it registered by then as well! :confused:
Coffee, Food, Chat, Elgrands ok you have twisted my arm.
Sure I am in. Do bears shit in the wood?
I'm game as long as my daughter's gymnastics event doesn't run over to long. Will be good to put a some more faces to the forum names. 👍
Any news on the meet ?.🤔😎👍
I have just ordered mine and waiting to get a date for when it lands but would be interested to come along as I am in Jarrow.
Come in along all welcome whether you have your bus yet or not . You will get plenty of advice and see various Elgrands .
I have just ordered mine and waiting to get a date for when it lands but would be interested to come along as I am in Jarrow.
Sorry I think this was last year , or was it cus I can’t remember it lol
This was last year but haven't seen any other meets for the north east for 2019
This was last year but haven't seen any other meets for the north east for 2019
There's been quite a few meets up north mate. 2 big shows and several monthly breakfast meets.
Have a look in the show and events section, regional meets as well as the north east chat sections to get updates.
There's been quite a few meets up north mate. 2 big shows and several monthly breakfast meets.
Have a look in the show and events section, regional meets as well as the north east chat sections to get updates.
Cheers, I have just joined recently and noticed I missed the North East show which is a pity as I have quite a few questions regarding the Elgrand and this was the only regional meet posted which was for 2018 :)
Cheers, I have just joined recently and noticed I missed the North East show which is a pity as I have quite a few questions regarding the Elgrand and this was the only regional meet posted which was for 2018 :)
Ah that's a shame mate.
Here's the link for the breakfast meets
And here's the chat for this months
Last Sunday of the month I think. Put a watch reminder on it and then you'll get notifications about the location.
They're a good group that go and very knowledgeable, so you're in good hands if you can get along to one of them 👍
Anyone fancy a last get together before the year is out? Planning on Sunday 4th November. Probably mid afternoon time? Maybe meet up for some lunch and a chat? Maybe just a coffee? Nowhere fancy, just a brief catch up, welcome some newbies hopefully, spend a couple of hours then disappear home?

Thinking Teesside area is pretty central for most north easterners?

We got any interest?
What about a central place like you did last time. The more involved the better the central area where we could all meet at equal distance.
Take care
Cheers, I have just joined recently and noticed I missed the North East show which is a pity as I have quite a few questions regarding the Elgrand and this was the only regional meet posted which was for 2018 :)
It' on this Sunday
What about a central place like you did last time. The more involved the better the central area where we could all meet at equal distance.
Take care
This thread has been dug up from last year mate. It was just 1 last local meet.
I'm sure they'll be a Xmas get together arranged at a later date that will be central to everyone again👍
I am waiting for the shipping date on my new beauty but should have it by November 20190808_072728-2016x980.jpg20190808_072818-2016x980.jpg

There are regular monthly breakfast meets at WOLVISTON on the last Sunday of every month. I send out alerts to all members on a monthly basis who are set as being located in the North East so that no one misses out. I cannot do any more than that to let people know about these events.

The whole point of having a regular monthly meet was so that everyone knew when and where we would be meeting. We've not missed a month yet this year, and every single meet has been a blast.

I'll lock this thread so there are no further replies.
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