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JAP SHOW 8th & 9th JUNE 2019

Think that's me in for this one. Karl u already have my £20 deposit for what was gonna be for JAE. So that will pay for my ticket. Put change back into club funds or donate to charity. Cheers
Think that's me in for this one. Karl u already have my £20 deposit for what was gonna be for JAE. So that will pay for my ticket. Put change back into club funds or donate to charity. Cheers

See you there buddy

still hoping to do Elgrandfest if possible
Yes us too tho with missus and kids as I think will be more family orientated and I have bugger all chance of escaping twice in a year on my own 😂😂😂

Mate I was surprised I got one trip again lol

But Elgrandfest would be solo too as missus hates camping

gonna try for shell island too

Just checking is £19.60 per adult if I pay now ?

Yes mate, that's correct.

Been dithering about shows as they are so far away I never know what might come up and whether I can come or not.
Sent Brian the money, everything else will have to be put on hold :D

I assume you are attending for the weekend? Or you just going for Sunday?
Weekend ticket be paid on pay day

25th or 28th depends on whos lol

£19.60 for one person right?
Im hoping to Rob, just trying to work out the dates and seeing if bratfink wants to go this time, be nice if the weather is good but it didn't dampen my spirits, meeting u guys was a highlight and hope to cook again
hope you can make it Cliff miss your karaoke and the midnight rib fest weather should be better this time of year :cool:
Thinking of coming to this , will have to check with work for holidays etc . 🤔😎👍
Bugger , just been informed I'm going away to a surprise birthday party for daughter in law . So I won't be there . ☹
@Karl Trying to work out logistics for this. Wanted to come solo but could be with daughter for weekend or just Sunday with all 5 of us.

I am trying to do as many meets as possible! I will keep you updated.
Payment made for 2 x Adult Wk/end

1st Elgrand Meet for the missus and me so please be excuse the rabbit in the headlight look LOL
Nice one buddy 👍 good to have you coming along!