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JAE 2015 - Equipment Organising Thread

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The Boss
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North East
Right guys, we have got to arrange our stand for JAE. We have 4 days and 3 nights of camping, so we need a good "base" for us all to live in whilst we are there.

I have literally got nothing in the way of camping gear or equipment. Something I hope to rectify in the new year, but I can help organise who is bringing what to ensure we all have what we need.

We have the option of having mains power to the club stand, but this is £87.50 just for ONE socket. So I am thinking we'll use the vans to supply power for charging phones etc.

The list below is not exhaustive, if you think I have missed anything, please let me know.

Gazebo - 2x 6x3m w/ sides (Headless, Clocky280)
Tables - 2x 6ft (Absolution)
Chairs - A few (Absolution, Clocky280), x4 (Rapper Frapper)
Gas Camping Stove - 2x (Clocky280)
Generator (Diesel ONLY) - ???
BBQ - Barrel BBQ (Karl)
Charcoal - Can we all please bring a bag so we can keep the BBQ going?
Picnic mats/blankets
Camping Lantern - x2 (Karl)
Camping Torch - x1 (Karl)
Wind breakers - x2 (RapperFrapper, Clocky280)
Tow Rope - x1 (Absolution)
Jump Leads - x1 (Absolution)
Bits and bobs - ?? (Absolution)
Water Carrier - x1 (Clocky280)
Paddling Pool (for beer) - x2 (Karl)
Power Bank (phone/electronic device charging) - 20,000 mAh (Karl)
Fire Pit - x1 (Karl) :beach:

Any other ideas? And if you are able to supply, please let me know and how many you can bring.
We can bring 2 six foot tables, a smallish BBQ, a 3mx3m gazebo and probably some other bits and bobs.

We'll have a rummage and see if there is anything else.
Great start. Thanks Mark!
if I can get out 3 burner gas BBQ working correctly I will bring that.
I've a small petrol generator that could be used for some power if needed, and 4 spare folding chairs and a wind break?
Hi Karl, both campers will be on show with full equipment, We will have the portable barbecue with us, we will set a gazebo with side curtains between the campers, 8 chairs, two tables.
I do have Spare tents if anyone is struggling, just let me know and I will bring any that are necessary.
OK, on a serious note, JAE is 21 days away. We need to get this shit organised.

We need 2 large Gazebos for the living area. As many chairs as we can get our hands on. Camping tables. Camping stoves. I'll bring my large barrel type barbecue.

What else do you need when you are out camping? I have no idea! Not been for a LONG time, so we all need to ensure we are comfortable. I imagine we should all fit under a pair of large Gazebos.
do we know what facilities are on the site? Do they have beer tents, bars, toilets, showers etc or are they on one of the camping sites?
Sean, Our plot is about 50 yard (notice I am not yet in Metric) from the Club house which has a Bar, There is catering on site and most of it will be Japanese food. There is a toilet block next to the Club house with Showers to help us sober up in the mornings. There is a dedicated car washing area not too far away. There will be Trade Stands selling things like stickers, modified car parts etc. We camp with our trucks and if we get short of space on the stand those of us with caravans can put them on hard standing a couple of hundred yard away, which with the way my mrs snores would be beneficial to the rest of the club.
Thanks BMR we have both campers with us but with facilities on site we can leave certain items at home, Thanks
OK, I've been really shit at organising this.

We need 2 Gazebos to create a living area. The bigger the better. Can two people with Gazebos please decide who is going to bring them?

Also, bring as many chairs and tables as you can.

Other things to consider will be patio heater if someone has one, and a gas canister to run it. Camping lights. And anything else you might think you need when you are going camping.

Hopefully between us all we will have enough equipment to keep everyone comfortable for the 4 days.

Also, make sure you come set up for rain - it's now September, so chances of rain are high. Keeping dry and warm will be a priority for most people.

Entertainment for kids will be vital. Portable DVD players that run from the car, or in car entertainment for the kids.

If someone can also bring jump leads, a tow rope and a portable power pack to jump a car with just to cover all bases in the event of an emergency. I imagine most of these will be available from SOMEONE at the show, but better to have these "in house" so to speak.

As for a floor plan... I've never been before. I have never organised a show stand before. So, this year we are going to wing it. Please be aware that things might "fall to shit" in the first few hours, but we will get there in the end, and it will be a great weekend for all involved.

Also, as I have no camping equipment to bring and/or set up... chances are I will be pissed within half an hour of arriving, and will remain so until Sunday :laugh:
I can bring 2x 6ft tables, tow rope, jump leads, some chairs and some camping bits and bobs. Could bring my work Gazebo if needed but remember seeing some others have bigger gazebos which might well be better.
Original thread updated with who has what so far - anyone else who can bring extras, let me know.

The more we take the better. I'd rather be over prepared than under prepared.

Again, if we can all bring some charcoal for the BBQ to keep it burning, that would be epic :D

Oh, and beer. Lot's and lot's of beer!
I am on Amereto and Baileys (not in the same glass) that way I can get p***ed without spending 75% of the time running back and forwards to the bog
I'm still bringing my 6x3m gazebo with sides, a portable hob with 4 cannisters so can be used for heating if need be and my driveaway awning that is pretty big, so if somebody needs somewhere to sleep I've got that covered too, I'm bringing a few chairs a fold up picnic table and a blow up bed that doubles up as a 2 seater settee and a couple of LED lanterns for lighting, I'm on my own so will have plenty of room as the missus is staying home with the dogs....lets the drinking commence!!!!!
Oh and I might put in a guitar and portable amp for campfire entertainment......I sound awesome when you're drunk!!!!
I work away and have already loaded the van up, just waiting for me to get back to dry land on thurs

but I do have a leisure battery with jump leads, will have stop off on the way up and get the essentials, charcoal and beer :drinks:
Just a thought, as Karl is bringing a half barrel for the bbq, can he get hold of a full one too for a burner for everyone to sit around & can everyone grab a bag of logs for it when they get their bag of charcoal, as it gets very cold very quickly when the sun goes down, as I expect the bbq wont be in the middle of the outside seating area.
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