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Is Elgrand a Japanese word?


South East
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South East
Stupid question but on my mind. Why do Elgrands say Elgrand on the back in English? If it is a Japanese import by a Japanese manufacturer why aren’t they called something in Japanese?
Stupid question but on my mind. Why do Elgrands say Elgrand on the back in English? If it is a Japanese import by a Japanese manufacturer why aren’t they called something in Japanese?
Maybe an English is the language of business type of thing? I mean, it's not just the Elgrand, the Noah, Voxy, Alphard, Hiace, Serena, Estima etc are all Englishy words. Also, although not originally indented for the UK, US markets (English lang), a lot of them so find their way to Australia, South Africa, Indonesia and the general E. Asian market etc, so maybe English is a safe name etc? I'm just guessing too though
The Elgrand is Nissan's flagship minivan.
It is a minivan that features high design and high-quality finish.

The origin of the name Elgrand is a coined word that combines the Spanish definite article "EL" and the English word "grand". It has the meaning of emphasizing the majestic size and style
Google says that this is Elgrand in Japanese 新东方雅思考试培训 I think that looks cooler personally 🤷‍♀️
Imagine asking if they service those at a backstreet garage: The owner goes 'what car you got mate?', 'uh, one of these things' (as you show him the symbols)

Freaky mind if he read it and said 'oh, an Elgrand'
Considering a reverse: We could ask the OP that as she's from/in Brighton, and she's presumably not made specifically for the JDM market, why has she got a Japanese-like username lol
Imagine asking if they service those at a backstreet garage: The owner goes 'what car you got mate?', 'uh, one of these things' (as you show him the symbols)

Freaky mind if he read it and said 'oh, an Elgrand'
Would say 'It is the vehicle formerly known as Elgrand mate". Analogy, ~~~@@>><## is the artist formerly known as Prince.
Considering a reverse: We could ask the OP that as she's from/in Brighton, and she's presumably not made specifically for the JDM market, why has she got a Japanese-like username lol
Another one... A bloke from Wales asking a girl from Brighton if she's made for the JDM market = does your bum fit in the middle row middle seat lol.
I understood it to be a combination of elegant and grand.
Why are some things (in Japan) written in English? For the same reason restaurants say peti pois instead of small peas, it’s to make it sound posher or more exotic, that’s all.
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Almost the entire Japanese auto industry for the domestic market has English names. even the name of the companies, Nissan, Toyota. I've never seen a nameplate in Japanese.But the Chinese auto industry..... It's all hieroglyphs)) Chuck-Chucky, ZhangSheni and other strange names.
I read the Internet and found out. The prefix EL is placed before masculine nouns.Grande means big)Just a "Big" man)
So the PC brigade could say it epitomises a vision of toxic masculinity?
I think the use of English (or possibly more accurately American) is partly a consequence of the aftermath of WW2, although the Japanese car industry also grew rapidly in the 50's making/importing CKD kits, eg from BMC, under licence. In train stations, etc, it is common to see both Japanese and English signage. If you look at Nissan.co.jp English is used almost randomly, partly as a marketing tool. As a comparison, as the Chinese car industry developed early models were branded in Chinese but English lettering started to appear well before vehicles were built for export markets. When MG started in China under SAIC it was branded Modern Gentleman in the Chinese market website, Western typography being seen as a mark of proven sophistication. As Chinese manufacturers grow and take the lead in EV technology, etc, it will be interesting to see if the situation reverses.