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Headlight Polishing - So satisfying!


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South East
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South East
So Saturday's task was to polish the headlights, am I weird I found it great fun and so satisfying looking at the before and after pics! I would share pictures but can't find upload picture file, the icons seem to only allow uploading web links?
Nice one Robert, Elgrands seem to suffer from yellowing headlights!
If you become s premium member for £12 a year you can then easily upload pics, otherwise you need to use a 3rd party pic provider.
What did you use fir it ?
Turtle wax headlight restorer bought for £11.99 from amazon and applied and polished with the Rupes HR81ML/BLX Bigfoot Long Neck Polishing Machine - lazy I know but it saved an aching arm and both were done very quickly, it takes more time to mask up the surrounding paintwork!
Nice one Robert, Elgrands seem to suffer from yellowing headlights!
If you become s premium member for £12 a year you can then easily upload pics, otherwise you need to use a 3rd party pic provider.
Ah that's the key to pic uploads - thanks
So Saturday's task was to polish the headlights, am I weird I found it great fun and so satisfying looking at the before and after pics! I would share pictures but can't find upload picture file, the icons seem to only allow uploading web links?

Are you going to upload some pics? 😉
So I now have permission to post pictures .... not that the headlights were particularly bad but they are now very very good!


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