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South East Goodwood Jap breakfast club

Sorry for delay guys...laptop crashed and needed recovery...so ive started again from scratch

this is first draft, any suggestspecsheet.PNGions or critique?

Oops its next weekend
Promised for tomorrow, fingers crossed.
Yes, I have a ticket for entry but not for display as the website doesn't recognise the Elgrand reg, so I can't add it to the 'My Vehicles' list.
Yes, I have a ticket for entry but not for display as the website doesn't recognise the Elgrand reg, so I can't add it to the 'My Vehicles' list.
you should send them an email.... we'll be there :D:D:D
Sorry for delay guys...laptop crashed and needed recovery...so ive started again from scratch

this is first draft, any suggestView attachment 9237ions or critique?

Like it dude. Alternatively If you go on the OC Facebook page and go to the files section. There's a spec template already there that you could use. Think Alan did them for JAE couple of years back. Screenshot_20180930-222959.png
Yes, I have a ticket for entry but not for display as the website doesn't recognize the Elgrand reg, so I can't add it to the 'My Vehicles' list.
Thats strange Elgrand was ok took me a couple of goes to get the Volvo on there


  • GW VEH.png
    GW VEH.png
    213.7 KB · Views: 6
Like it dude. Alternatively If you go on the OC Facebook page and go to the files section. There's a spec template already there that you could use. Think Alan did them for JAE couple of years back. View attachment 9286
Damn u Lol

Needs updating though...those old busses need to go
On the 7th October is the Goodwood circuit breakfast club, and its Japanese Sunday. All you have to do is register and apply for free tickets to show or attend. I emailed over the weekend and got accepted this morning. I know Mark Baker on the FB page is going and also Neil Scott and Sarah in their cube. Anyone else fancy it??
Any more takers for this??
Sorted admission, but don't think I'll make it for breakfast!!