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Examples of two tone paint jobs on Elgrands


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I’m thinking of painting my Elgrand two-tone. I’m thinking light grey on the bottom and keeping it white on top. Does anyone have any good examples of nice two tone Elgrands?
Not many 2 tone ELGRANDS about , have a look at the Delica D5’s , they look great with the pearlescent white & grey
Would look brill on the Elgrand .
Not many 2 tone ELGRANDS about , have a look at the Delica D5’s , they look great with the pearlescent white & grey
Would look brill on the Elgrand .
Thanks, I’ll check out the Delica. I’ve seen quite a few 2 tone Volkswagens, but not any Elgrands.
the e50 were factory 2 tone , very retro , seen a few e51 done aswell look decent , get someone who is gd with photoshop to get idea what your car looks like in colours u fancy , here’s my 2 tone e50 hiding from sun at silloth yesterday, mind it’s dirty as usual ha ha
the e50 were factory 2 tone , very retro , seen a few e51 done aswell look decent , get someone who is gd with photoshop to get idea what your car looks like in colours u fancy , here’s my 2 tone e50 hiding from sun at silloth yesterday, mind it’s dirty as usual ha ha
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We also have the same rear light clusters :)



There was a post not long ago about similar but can't find it now. I think the majority have been done by the same camper conversion company.
Milldown campers do the two tone paint jobs, I for one like them, IIRC there was one at Elgrandfest 2022 .