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ElgrandOC the only remaining Elgrand Forum?


The Boss
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North East
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North East
Well, the announcement has been made today that the only other Elgrand forum I know of has been taken offline.

Elgrand.co.uk was the first UK based Elgrand Forum, known as "The Collective". Established way back in 2007, it was the first resource made available to people looking to import and own the Nissan Elgrand in the UK.

Then we have Elgrand.Ning.com which was taken down in 2015. Not sure when this site was started, I think it was 2010. This forum was set up after a "dispute" within the admin team on "The Collective" forum. One of the team decided to jump ship and set his own forum up.

And then we had nissanelgrand.au.com - the "Aussie forum". Which disappeared into the unknown at some point in 2016 when the plug was pulled.

Apparently there was also a fourth, although the URL of the club is no longer known, but was alleged to be ElgrandOCUK.com - this forum was short lived and disappeared just as quickly. I have no idea how successful it was, but it must not have been to be forgotten in such a short time.

So... here we are. ElgrandOC.uk... the sole remaining Elgrand specific forum on the internet. What does this mean for us? Nothing. It means absolutely nothing. There is speculation to say that Facebook killed the forums off... and this has been an "excuse" by admins across various car clubs for quite some time. Although I agree that Facebook groups remove a lot of traffic from forums, it does not leave them redundant. EOC was set up off the back of talking to various members in various Elgrand groups, and we have had a dedicated club group on Facebook since before the website took off.

The important thing is to balance the traffic between forum and Facebook. The one thing that a forum will ALWAYS have over Facebook is the ability to store, retain, sort and search information. Therefore, technical information, meets and events and other useful files are stored on the website. Banter and quick questions here and there are fine for Facebook. It's about finding the right balance, which I think at the moment we are doing exceptionally well at as a club.

I can't see EOC dying any time soon. The members are active, we have regular (although not as regular as I would like) meets and events, and new information is becoming available all the time to help future and current owners.

So, to end the post, I want to thank all the members and admins of the forums mentioned above for kicking off the "Elgrand scene" in the UK. Without their hard work and dedication from 2007, there probably wouldn't be the same following now.

I am a little speculative of what happens from here. I don't know if people from these other clubs will wind there way here or whether they will collaborate to set up a new forum!? Who knows. But rest assured, the EOC team and I will be here working away for the foreseeable future. As long as we have the support of our members, we'll be right here ready and waiting.
I've been a member of each on the above save the Un-remembered one.
Not sure if we as a club can learn anything from the demise of each as it seems unrelated to actual use or participation. It's more owners/ admins running out of steam or money to invest.

So here's to a bright future for the EOC Forum and Club. Good humour plays a large part in EOC's success and that was lacking in the other clubs and sites I think.
This is by far the most pleasant forum I have frequented - all too often others descend into arguments between keyboard warriors.

We've had a few clashes among members, but I like to think that things are overall pretty calm. It helps that people here respect each others opinion, and are also accepting to take other peoples opinions on board when faced with new evidence.
I put his on FB so thought I'd put it here for those not on FB.

I use both the forum and Facebook and feel that Facebook is good for banter and throw-away stuff. I'd rather not see a forum get swamped by those sorts of posts. IMHO.
Elgrand.co.uk? Not missed one bit by me. Everything behind a login, which they never managed to sort me out even after several emails pleading my case that I was not a robot. "Please register again". Nope, cya. That was Jan '16 and I never tried again once I found EOC. More power to everyone (staff and users) that make the site what it is.

Go team EOC! :rock:
I've been a member of each on the above save the Un-remembered one.
Not sure if we as a club can learn anything from the demise of each as it seems unrelated to actual use or participation. It's more owners/ admins running out of steam or money to invest.

So here's to a bright future for the EOC Forum and Club. Good humour plays a large part in EOC's success and that was lacking in the other clubs and sites I think.
I'll second that Rob and I am glad to back in the fold with my second Elgrand. All my experiences on both sites have been good ones albeit I cannot comment about FB as I don't use it nor intend to either. Just my choice and TBH I much prefer a forum as its controlled in a safe way compared to FB which anyone can access.

Folk will always join and always leave and that is just part of life. I aint going anywhere soon. Cheers to everyone and happy Elgranding
Love this forum, a day doesn't go by without logging in! lol
Hats off to you guys @Karl @MrRob_in, @BMR @Mr G @Madfish @Rapperfrapper,@Seven and any other admins I have forgotten, great work and lets keep this forum running for many more years to come!
*tips beanie* Much appreciated. Glad you're enjoying it, for as long as I own an Elgrand and beyond I'll be trying to keep this place alive. When I join a community, I try give back in return for helping me. (Y)
It's the members that make a forum and we happen to have a damn fine bunch of members on here...

So thank you all for making this place what it it :)
I am thinking about ditching the fookbook pages from other clubs altogether and just using this forum. Posting the same answers to the same questions daily drives me mad, Missus has told me to stop reading the posts. Here In Australia some new owners seem to be too feckin lazy to open a dropbox link or search for answers. I try to help, and the get asked to pass the toilet paper. Well done Karl, it will be a sad day should you ever pull the plug.
I might pull the plug for a laugh one day and just see what happens :joy:
I know.

I'm just so used to having too much going on in my life, to the point where I can't cope. When things go quite, I have to invent drama else it's a shock to the system.

This tends to be when I start on the wind ups :joy: