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North West Blackpool Illuminations 24th October 2015


E51 Owner
E51 Expert
Reaction score
Notts / Derby border area.
First Name
Ok Guys how about a Saturday in Blackpool? We could meet up somewhere have the afternoon in Blackpool then have an Elgrand Cruise through the lights in the evening, is anyone interested? I have checked the diary and the 24th is a couple of weeks after the Jap Show Finals at Santa Pod and it would be good to meet up with some "northerners". I know another Elgrand club did this a few years ago but at the moment in the UK we seem to be the only Elgrand club that enjoys driving and meeting up and this one could be the last one of the season unless we have a christmas meet. I was going to put this one out on the other Facebook Elgrand rooms as well.

Let me know your thoughts

As you prob guess I am using the Japanese compass, this post should be in the North West Page. :banghead:

List of proposed attendees as follows.

1)- BMR. (Brian & Sue) :cool:
2)- Madfish. (Mark) (Sadly Mark hasn't had time to get his E51 on the road) :cry:
3)- simjoh. (Simon) :hi:
4)- Timncfc. (Tim) :hi:
5)- willyG (Will) :hi:
6)- gedandsue (Ged & Sue) :hi:
7)- Peter Lennie. (from the Nissan Elgrand facebook page) :hi:
8)- Karl. (The boss) if he can rob a bank :hi:
9)- Tiger997. (Tony) (Poss) :hi:
10)- Mike Bailey. :hi:
11)- mattd (Matt). :hi:
12)- silverback (Don) :hi:
13)- silverback 2 (Ian & Angel) :hi:
14)- RobP (Rob) :hi:
15)- freshandminty (Phil) (Poss) :hi:
16)- Sean (Sean & Julie) :hi:
17)- Rapper (Alan & Belinda) :hi:
18)- Ruth Hippybabe (Ruth) Nissan Largo facebook page. :hi:
19)- Paul6693 (Paul) (poss) :wait:
20)- kippaxblue (?) (X-Trail soon to own E50) :wait:
I'd be up for this :) should be sorted by then...
Topic moved to North West Meets :thumbup:
And, if funds allow, I will be there :D
we hope to be able to come to this, depending on holiday times>
Don't think I'm working, so put my name on the list!
Your added guys, less than 24 hours since I started asking if anyone was interested and we have poss 11 trucks, keep up the good work.
Can you put me on the list as well as Ian and Angel 2 elgrands
I should be able to make this one, along with the Mrs and the nippers. Put me on the list please :)
What sort of time would we go through the lights? Early evening?

Just working out what time I'd be home by on the night.

Sent from my Nokia 3310 using snake
Hi Phil, yes I was thinking that we should hold the cruise early evening because of the distance some families will be traveling with young children so I would think 7.00pm ish should be dark enough what do others think?
The lights switch on at 6:30pm on that date, so it will definitely be dark enough. We did it last night and it took a good couple of hours to get all the way through and even then we diverted around the traffic lights by the tower which were causing huge delays.
Cheers both, realistically we'd need to be down as possible - weather dependent.

We'd bring our 2 year old so 7pm - 9pm would be a treat late night but worth it I think for the spectacle (he can sleep on way home) but if it was heavy rain all day it wouldn't really be fair on him.
We will have our 2 year old grandson with us as well Phil we were thinking exactly the same thing about him sleeping on the way home, he loves being in the truck, I will post you down as coming but understand if you think it may be a bit much for the little fella.
Ill be there early with wife and youngest daughter ( 8yr old ) as wife wants to go shopping for xmas with that said i still dont have my ellie yet so will have to suffice with the POS i have now,ill keep my eye open for you guys though!
If you see us about Steve jump about and shout like a loony and we should see you mate, keep an eye on this thread as we will be meeting up in a shopping centre carpark on the outskirts so you could deal with the xmas shopping at the same time.
I might be cutting it close for this... my paperwork still hasn't been sent out yet from Japan...

Fingers crossed