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Anybody know how to access the spare wheel on my Elgrand Camper conversion ?

That is the bracket for the space saver, take it off to fit full size.....I'm thinking there maybe another bracket at the rear - or the space-saver would move around at the back.

Make sure that the locking bolt locks tight against the cradle and hook, if the bolt doesn't reach, it will back off.

Always a good idea to check your release bolt as the thread is located in an area that gets weathered, they often corrode and jammed tight.

It's easier to take it out at your leisure and grease it liberally - than it would be struggling on the hard shoulder, in the peeing down rain, cold and dark with her shouting, " Have you done it yet ? Ive got a spin class at 8."

.....ahhh fcuk off.


Blaggards photo ( hope he doesn't mind me stealing it ) shows that there is only one spacer bracket and you can see the two bolt's holding it on.
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