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North West Jap2jap, Botany Bay meet.

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Last minute decision but will be going to the Jap2jap meet at botany Bay( close to Chorley) this coming Sunday sept 25th, for 1pm start.
If any one else is interested in going, I'll be going so may see you there.
Here is the Facebook link with further details:

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are you sure its october?
Should be a good meet,'Frapper...can't make this one ,but there is one scheduled in October on Sunday 23rd....after looking at Jap2Jap site,maybe last one this year.Be good to see sum Ellie back-up to Mariusz & me ...:)
we were going to pop down but we are both working. if there is a meet on the 23rd oct we should be ok for that one. might even pop into the top lock at wheelton as well.
