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Wales Elgrandfest 2021 Wales


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So excited!!!! We have provisionally booked the same place we went to in 2019.

we need numbers by next Thursday 17th to make sure it’s all booked in.

August 20th- 22nd Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (2nights)

also be nice to emas it’s my birthday the 20th 😬😂 only weekend available

Erwlon Caravan & Camping Park
Brecon Road, Llandovery, Carmarthernshire SA20 0RD

It's £20 a night for 2 people Inc electric hookup

£16 a night for 2 people non electric

£2.50 per night per person extra

Caravans are welcome and at the same price above

Awnings are free
Dogs are free

There's also a children's playground :)

We currently have plots 22-33 electric hook ups but if more people want to come we will be able to have the non electric hook ups also 12-25 that you can park your car on to an this is £16 per night For 2 people + £2.50 per person

PayPal details
Please send your payment to
Via Family and friends please :)

Electric hook up
1. @Elementian & @Lisa-Marie (2 Adults 1 child) PAID
2. @Claptrap (1 Adult) PAID
3. @Kelvin13 (2 Adults) PAID
4. @Himiko (2 Adults) PAID
5. @Safety Mick (2 Adults) PAID
6. @dognero (2 Adults) PAID
7. @bushhouse (Saturday night) (2 Adults) PAID
8. @Revo ( 2 Adults) PAID
9. @kfgas (2 Adults) PAID
10. @Pros2112 (3 people) PAID
11. @Rayvan (2 Adults 1 Dog) PAID
12. @chr1sdean (1 Adult) PAID

Non electric pitch

1. @Elgrand Cymru (2 Adults) PAID
2. @Markcurn1 (2 Adults) PAID
3. @Reverend RobP (2 Adults 2 Children) PAID
4. @peter strokosz 2 Adults) PAID
5. @Crazycraig (1 Adult) PAID
6. @sallyd (1 Adult) PAID
7. @LLGrandJ (1 Adult) PAID
8. @kalini812 (1 Person Saturday night) PAID
9. @kalini812 ( 2 people Saturday night) PAID
10. @John Burley (1 Adult) PAID
11. @Harby (2 adults 2 children) PAID

Maybe list
1.@Purple People Eater
2.@Parentalnightmare (day visit)


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We're up for this and a nice trip over to Wales 😁 2 adults and pos 2 children please.
(How soon do you need payment @Lisa-Marie )
Yessss rob!!! 😍 end of next week if possible? If not can always just pay a £20 deposit an then pay end of month for the rest :)
So excited!!!! We have provisionally booked the same place we went to in 2019.

we need numbers by next Thursday 17th to make sure it’s all booked in.

August 20th- 22nd Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (2nights)

also be nice to emas it’s my birthday the 20th 😬😂 only weekend available

Erwlon Caravan & Camping Park
Brecon Road, Llandovery, Carmarthernshire SA20 0RD

It's £20 a night for 2 people Inc electric hookup

£2.50 per night per person extra

Caravans are welcome and at the same price above

Awnings are free
Dogs are free

There's also a children's playground :)

We currently have plots 22-33 electric hook ups but if more people want to come we will be able to have the non electric hook ups also 12-25 that you can park your car on to :)

PayPal details
Please send your payment to
Via Family and friends please :)

1. @Elementian & @Lisa-Marie PAID
2. @Claptrap PAID
We're up for it. 😊