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Wishbone Poly Bushes?


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North East
E51 Owner
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North East
Pre MOT it was recommended to have Poly wishbone bushes fitted as the Mechanic said there was only a couple of months left in the old ones. The Elgrand was getting a bit wallowey. The ride now at the front end is very harsh, and I can feel every bump. Question is will it ease up over time 🤔. On a good point she passed with no advisories 👍🏼
Some who have gone over to poly bushes have changed them back to rubber for just this reason.
Some who have gone over to poly bushes have changed them back to rubber for just this reason.
Fully understand. It's a bush either side that will out live the van, but on 19's it's now a rattley ride 😬
Fully understand. It's a bush either side that will out live the van, but on 19's it's now a rattley ride 😬
What colour did you go for, if I remember right blue is harsh , red is rock hard and purple seem to be the best choice
Found on inter web……..
Polybushes are well known for their colour grading. Blue (comfort grade), with a hardness of 65, gives a feel similar to Land Rover's own bushes. Red, 85 hardness, is intended for race vehicles where sharp control and response takes priority over comfort.
I believe they're all harder than the original rubber bushes. But to replace bushes with new rubber bushes requires the wishbone to be removed and rubber bushes pressed on, where-as when old rubber bushes have been removed (and they can be removed in-situ) poly bushes are easy to fit in-situ... Which is why some people replace the original rubber type with poly and why I did it myself on one of my E51's even though I have a press... But I would prefer original spec rubber.
I believe they're all harder than the original rubber bushes. But to replace bushes with new rubber bushes requires the wishbone to be removed and rubber bushes pressed on, where-as when old rubber bushes have been removed (and they can be removed in-situ) poly bushes are easy to fit in-situ... Which is why some people replace the original rubber type with poly and why I did it myself on one of my E51's even though I have a press... But I would prefer original spec rubber.
Makes sense. Just didn't expect such a difference 😕
Often the rubber bushes are fluid filled hydraulic types, not sure if Elgrand ones are but they give a better control of movement under load.
Often the rubber bushes are fluid filled hydraulic types, not sure if Elgrand ones are but they give a better control of movement under load.
Don't think I've ever seen a fluid filled rubber suspension bush on anything...
Don't think I've ever seen a fluid filled rubber suspension bush on anything...
I think I'm going to have to drive on some different surfaces to get a true feel. Thing is the drive home from work today felt alot different to the drive home from the garage. I will keep you updated
Mine has purple ones fitted from the dealer and they squeaked like mad.
Took them out, cleaned them up and re assembled them with some PTFE tape and new grease.
Now quiet as a mouse.
Can't comment on the ride quality as they have been on since I got it.
I'm thinking now I've been talked into a easy swap that maybe isn't suitable the Elgrand
Front wishbone bushes can be to blame for a few things including (and I meant to say on a recent thread) inconsistent tracking and shuddering when braking.
Front wishbone bushes can be to blame for a few things including (and I meant to say on a recent thread) inconsistent tracking and shuddering when braking.
None of that, just feels the tyres are made of concrete now. Had a PT cruiser which I had a full allround bush kit fitted and it didn't have this affect. It's just a bit weird it has got so harsh over a day
Some vehicles don’t appear to change much, some do change a lot. Just life.
I’d go back to OEM spec, accept the softer compound, enjoy the luxury and just assume as they are cheaper to buy, you can afford to change them more often instead of going poly bum-bashing for the rest of ownership.
Just my take, not a fan of poly, they ruined the ride on my old mx5 and quickly got changed back to OEMs.
Some vehicles don’t appear to change much, some do change a lot. Just life.
I’d go back to OEM spec, accept the softer compound, enjoy the luxury and just assume as they are cheaper to buy, you can afford to change them more often instead of going poly bum-bashing for the rest of ownership.
Just my take, not a fan of poly, they ruined the ride on my old mx5 and quickly got changed back to OEMs.
I'll take her for a back road and A19 run and see how I feel 👍🏼