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Thule 973 bike rack - how to make custom brackets for E51 Highway Star (for £14)


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So today after lots of thinking, i made some brackets for my Elgrand so i can finally fit my bike rack.

Heres how:

I bought these from Amazon

I cut off the longer piece, leaving enough "hook" for it to latch onto the internal boot "lip" (about 1.5cm)

I then heated (not sure it was needed) and then bent (using a club hammer with bracket on concrete floor) the inner piece to match the angle of the HWS boot trim.

I then took it to vehicle, slid the piece together loosely, then tightened it together (back to back) using supplied screws .

I then hung my rack (19.5 holes visible from top)

With bracket and rack on car, I then used my eyes and judgment only to mark on the bracket where the bolt needs to go through the bottom of the rack itself and then the bracket.

I then drilled the hole, and put an 80mm M8 bolt through - and used a locking nut to lock it all together.

When doing up the locking note, this ultimately pulls the rack and the bracket together as one when tightened (do not over tighten!!)

Job done!

Pics here:

Hope this helps some people.

(bottom nut, has since been replaced with a nylon locking nut)
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once all fitted and tightened up - you might notice a lot of extra thread protruding from the bolts used, which could hit your lower external trim when you shut the boot - so will need lopping off or it will scrape the bumper...angle grinder or hacksaw.