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South East The C word meet 8th December, Now At Lasham Airfield


The French Connection
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I'm not really a Christmas person but obviously I'm in a minority.

That said I thought I would gauge interest in a South East Christmas meet. Doesn't have to be as formal as a sit down dinner but a sausage roll or mince pie always goes down well.

So if the idea appeals then stick your name down here and we will take it from there.
mince pie mmmm where have you in mind could be a goer :yum
I will suggest a venue depending on the amount of interest.
hoky doky and day/ time as i tend to hibernate at chrimbo with a nice single malt and a nice vintage port 🥳🥃🍾
Sounds good... depending on dates :)
How would sometime over the weekend of 7th & 8th December suit?
good for me will still be sober and mrs wont moan :joy:
I'd be interested, depending on date and location. I'm away from 1/12 to 9/12 though. For those of us nearer london theres a potential location at Westerham brewery just off m25 junction 6. They have plenty of parking and street food van at weekends.
Better put the bus in sleep it off mode then😴
I'm in (75% at the moment) :)