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South East Pine Ridge Golf Club


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South East
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South East
Hi to all just to advise Pine ridge Golf Club, Deepcut near Frimley and Camberley, second Sunday of the month have a Classic Car Breakfast , 9am to midday . They allocate their over spill car park area to this event , some great cars turn up , but the great thing is its open to all no matter what you drive. And Its free !!!
Hi guys,
Peter posted this back in May but I think it was buried in another post. Could be good for an impromptu meet, would have to check its not a summer only thing though. Seems a few car clubs use it so could be a good morning. Postcode is GU16 9NX.
Good spot @Elgrandpa - lets make sure @Claptrap and @Stempyuno don't miss this post (as they seem to be the main instigators of 'meets' in our area).

Let us know about the possibility of 'summer only' or mabe 'weather dependant' if it's on grass?
Good spot @Elgrandpa - lets make sure @Claptrap and @Stempyuno don't miss this post (as they seem to be the main instigators of 'meets' in our area).

Let us know about the possibility of 'summer only' or mabe 'weather dependant' if it's on grass?
Hi Alan,
It wasn't my spot, it was originally posted by @LUCASPINONE so credit goes to him
Good spot @Elgrandpa - lets make sure @Claptrap and @Stempyuno don't miss this post (as they seem to be the main instigators of 'meets' in our area).

Let us know about the possibility of 'summer only' or mabe 'weather dependant' if it's on grass?

It’s just up the road from me, I’ll do some digging :)
I can almost walk there, certainly reduces the excuses of attending a meet for me.

it’s big parking, under-utilised, cheapish edible food and in a way supports a local charity as they rent land off the fuel allotments and proceeds go to helping the less fortunate in the area.
Hi guys,
Peter posted this back in May but I think it was buried in another post. Could be good for an impromptu meet, would have to check its not a summer only thing though. Seems a few car clubs use it so could be a good morning. Postcode is GU16 9NX.
Hi guys,
Peter posted this back in May but I think it was buried in another post. Could be good for an impromptu meet, would have to check its not a summer only thing though. Seems a few car clubs use it so could be a good morning. Postcode is GU16 9NX.
Hi to all , have been looking at posts on meets the last few days !!! I have recently become a full Brooklands Family Member, We were at the American Car Fest there a month ago, It was mega popular and there was a lot of people attending , on arrival we were directed to a huge car park complex at the back of the site , its surrounded by modern offices which use it MON-FRI but not a weekends, its called the Heights. There are no barriers or restrictions to get in and even on one of Brooklands Biggest events was'nt even half full . its a nice location and well sign posted. just a thought.