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North East North East auto show, Saturday 12th may, attendance list


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North East
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North East
Looks like we've got some interest in making this an ElgrandOC stand :)

Members are to purchase their tickets and confirm when bought. We will arrange a meeting place prior to the show so we can convoy in together.

When booking tickets enter 'ElgrandOC' in the club section :)


Let's start the list!!! :)

£5/head, kids under 16 free

1. @Madfish & Amanda (Booked) - STOCKTON
2. @Karl & Pippa (Booked) - HARTLEPOOL
3. @RobP & kids (Booked) - YORK
4. @dognero + 3 (Booked) - DURHAM
5. @malcolmyz85 + 1 (Booked) - NEWCASTLE
6. @Rob Whitton (Booked) - HARTLEPOOL
7. @George 322 (Booked) - REDCAR
8. @MikeyD & Dawn (Booked) - STOCKTON
9. @Ben Davies (Booked) - REDCAR
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I am in. Will book tomorrow
What difference between club stand and paying at gate , except price ??? Gd chance we are free
Club stand will get your car on display in the club area of the show so all of us grouped together.

Tickets at the gate will put you in general population with the corsaginis :D
I'll check with the boss tonight but 99% sure we'll be going. Is the show just cars or bikes as well?
Excellent @Rob Whitton!!

Come on you Northerners... the soft Southerners are showing us up as they had 20+ attending Beaulieu last year!!!

We need at least 10 on the list - it's a £10 day out for most... and only £5 if you fly solo.
Booked a ticket for myself and Bev , one of my pet hates tickets 10 plus 1 booking fee , tickets 5:50 , why advertise as 5
Myself, my brother and 2 mates.
Booked my ticket 😎 see you all there 😁😁
We're booked, although the missus and the kids might come on their own in case they get bored, probably for the best then I'm not picking up rubbish before the car goes on the club stand!!!
I might come, with me being confined to motorcycle and all I might not if the weather's shit. Unless it catches me while I'm out then I don't care
I might come, with me being confined to motorcycle and all I might not if the weather's shit. Unless it catches me while I'm out then I don't care

Guessing it'll be a spur of the moment decision and you'd pay on the gate. If so, hope to see you there dude.

Guessing it'll be a spur of the moment decision and you'd pay on the gate. If so, hope to see you there dude.
Probably. Miss Seven probably won't be there since she only goes for the Japanese stuff to car shows (hence why she'll come with me to JAE) but if I can be bothered with the hour and a bit cruise up the A1 on a bike then you'll see me.