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The Boss
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North East
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North East
Right then guys and girls... less than 7 days to go now!

So, JAE opens at 1pm on 8th Sep.

For all those joining us on the Thursday we are all going to meet @ NORTHGATE RETAIL PARK (click for Google Map info) @ 1pm. We will stay there for about an hour before heading onto Newark Showground.

Northgate Retail Park, Newark NG24 1GA
Newark Showground, Lincoln Rd, Newark-on-Trent, Winthorpe, Newark NG24 2NY, United Kingdom

For anyone arriving later on Thursday or on Friday, you will need to make your way to the EOC stand. If you get stuck, give me a shout and I'll come and get you.

We are located in the Kanetsu (click for map) area of the show in locations K11 to K14. We're right near the admin building, so I'm sure member of staff can point you in the right direction.

My mobile number so that you can all contact me is 07886 621009. Put it in your phones and save it. You'll also be able to get me through Facebook. Don't PM me on here as I might not get the message until I get a chance to sit down and look at the site.

Please make sure that you bring some wood and some charcoal for the BBQ. Also, please bring any chairs that you may have lying around, we all want a place to sit. Also, any fold-away tables, they're useful! Bring anything else you think might be useful for a weekend camping as I'm sure we'll have forgotten some important things. It's always better to have too much than too little. We managed very well last year, so I'm sure you all have your heads screwed on.

For anyone coming for the day on Saturday, you'll have to park in the public car park and make your way to the stand.

Last but not least... thank you to all of you for joining us this year. I hope that next year we can break the 30 member mark! Prepare yourself for the best 4 day car show of the year, and enjoy it! What happens at JAE, stays at JAE :rofl:
My sat nav reckons I'll get to the retail park for 1.30pm on Thursday if I leave work when I finish at 12pm so all looks good, if you're gone when I get there I'll redirect to the showground.

I've saved your number and I'll send mine over tomorrow.

Not sure if we need a separate Q&A thread but while I'm here do I need to bring a hookup cable for power or does it have normal 3 pin plugs on? And will this be in the camping area rather than the car area?

The power supply is two 13amp 3 pin sockets. I imagine the supply will be able to be moved where we need it. It will primarily be in the camping area, but that will be close to where the vans are parked. Bring an extension lead if you need one.
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