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I'm becoming obsessed


North East
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
First Name
Looking to buy
North East
Oh my I don't have my Ellie/Grande (still working out what it'll be) yet but I'm obsessed already. Everyone is so knowledgeable and helpful in the threads I've read (and I've read a lot now because there's so much great information) I can't wait to be a proper member with my own EG but in the meantime what was the one piece of advice you'd give me when looking for a EG or the one thing you've found most helpful 😁
Paying my membership fee of £12 to join this Forum and benefit from all the great advice on here. I've only been a member for a short while, but it's the best thing I've done since I bought mine.
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Definately this forum.

You will also start buying things from AliExpress and the like to 'bling' it up but never have the time to do anything. Oh sorry that's me 🤪
A word of advice from me...

See Dave from VinePlace he sells Elgrands not far from you.

Sorry thats, erm, 12 words of advice.
Go and look at some from a dealer before buying to find out about all the options available (and believe me there are many). Don't be tempted to buy when first looking, otherwise you will find you may not have an option that you would like. Ask questions (there's lots to ask), do your research to decide which model and options you want. Don't buy one if you want something economical, these drink petrol. In saying all that they are they best multi purpose vehicle around, buy one and enjoy like the rest of us. Welcome to the group. :)
ElgrandOC t-shirt.jpg
The smirk/ smile while driving one will never stop… and you be forever trying to spot another one ,,, oh and there’s the cleaning polishing etc which become an obsession… first names terms the petrol station staff will happen too… enjoy … and try not to boot it when you have a tankful of premium but that won’t happen ..
Take a long time inspecting everything (bring overalls and a good torch), including underneath. Finding issues like worn trim, nonfunctioning rear side windows, knackered inboard CV joint gaiters, ancient battery, etc, can be bargaining tools.