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Wales Elgrandfest 2024!!


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Elgrandfest 2024!!!

Sorry it’s posted later than expected it’s been a crazy few months and health hasn’t been great but It’s finally organised and can’t wait to see you all :)

Friday 5th July- Monday 8th July (3 nights)

if you can’t stay the full 3 nights then you can do 2 nights Friday- Sunday :)

Electric £28 per night (2 people)
Non Electric £24 per night (2 people)

Extra Adult £7.50 per night Per Adult
Extra Child under 16’s £5.50 per night Per child
Under 5’s Free

Caravans are welcome and at the same price above but please state this when booking with us.

Awnings are free
Dogs are free

There's also a children's playground :)

Erwlon Caravan & Camping Park
Brecon Road, Llandovery, Carmarthernshire SA20 0RD

CE1-33 Electric pitches available
5 non Electric pitches available

We need to finalise numbers by June 14th as if there's pitches left by then the campsite will open those pitches to their own customers :)

PayPal details
Please send your payment to
Via Family and friends please :)

If needing to double check total just message me :)


I will message everyone closer to the date with what plot number you are :)

Electric hook up

3 Nights

1. @Elementian & @Lisa-Marie + 1 child PAID
2. @kfgas (2 Adults) PAID
3. @GazzM (1 Adult) PAID
5. @Brewbags + Awning (3 dogs) PAID
6. Julian PAID
7. Matt
8. @Himiko (2 Adults + 1 dog)
9. @MISTY (2 Adults + 2 Dogs) PAID
10. Blackbird (2 Adults) PAID
11. @Happy Eddie (1 Adult + Awning) PAID

(2nights Electric)

1. @Revo (1 adult) PAID
2.@BassDPS (2 adults + 2 Dogs) PAID
3. @Waynem41 (2 Adults + awning) PAID
4. @Sammyhandro (2 adults + 1 child) PAID
5. Andrew PAID
6. Chris (1 Adult + 1 Child PAID
7. @Dramanus PAID

Non Electric

2 nights (Friday-Sunday)

1. @Elgrand Cymru (2 Adults) PAID
2. @Monkfish & @Fishwife (2 Adults 2 children 1 under 5) PAID
3.@Markcurn1 PAID

3 Nights Friday-Monday

1. @Magnu
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Can I do a 1 day?
Can I do a 1 day?
At the moment we aren’t allowing 1 night stays as it’s a busy time for the campsite an I know they prefer more than 1 night stays. But if there’s spaces at the time then I’m sure they will let you

They do allow day visitors to spend the day there with us you will have to check into reception when you get there an pay a £9 fee to spend the day there :)
At the moment we aren’t allowing 1 night stays as it’s a busy time for the campsite an I know they prefer more than 1 night stays. But if there’s spaces at the time then I’m sure they will let you

They do allow day visitors to spend the day there with us you will have to check into reception when you get there an pay a £9 fee to spend the day there :)
Yes, I thought that might be the case. Best then maybe to check nearer to the time :)
Sorry should have said 2 people 3 nights electric pitch👍
Hey there Lisa-Marie.
I was wondering when this good news would come! :grinning: Great!
All 3 nights - electric for 1 person please. Money transferred to you just now.
Hey :) got it thank you :) can’t wait