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Any Elgranda's who can provide a home for these beauties? Takara & Odin


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Looking to buy
We recently adopted a beautiful pair of Japanese Akita's from SCAR - Second Chance Akita Rescue.

They are really struggling with many Akita's in need of rehoming. We took them despite only losing our Akita girl recently, as we couldn't not give them a home.

They are stunning and have lovely temperaments. We felt so guilty not being able to take them, they had just arrived at the time we picked ours up. That was 6 months ago and the kennels are not nice places. They do an amazing job but these dogs need a home.

I wish there was more that I could do, but I'm sure there must be someone out there for them.


I would be happy to talk through the breed, they are Loving, fun, playful, aloof, needy/not needy, inconsistent and they love travelling and seeing new places. They also have the best smiles! We are just about to take ours on a euro adventure once we have acquired an Elgrand ourselves.